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The top is supposed to be in the tree instead of on the playground. This evenings storm topped four trees. Guess the chain saw will be busy tomorrow.

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Shelf to go underneath my cooler/gas can racks for the skis for extra support. Would've prevented my Bimini failed crossing this year.
This could get interesting!

Those are cool. What are they? Cam.
I think a 3 wheeler golf caddy/cart? Where is the cooler with beer? You can golf without beer?
Kids had a vbs program last night. I know i am biased but my kids are cute.
We even had our pastor go up and rap a song. Sad no one got video of it! He did good!
I think a 3 wheeler golf caddy/cart? Where is the cooler with beer? You can golf without beer?
Our original thought was to hang the coolers around the golf bag. But instead we had one guy out of each forsome drive a cart and we all put our coolers in his cart. Worked out quite well!
Saw this at the gas station his morning. So glad Emma and Gavin were not with me. I doubt they would have let me leave without making an offer. The owner said she tops out at 68.

Saw this at the gas station his morning. So glad Emma and Gavin were not with me. I doubt they would have let me leave without making an offer. The owner said she tops out at 68.

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There's a boat attached to that motor. Motor probably weighs more until someone gets in it!
Saw this at the gas station his morning. So glad Emma and Gavin were not with me. I doubt they would have let me leave without making an offer. The owner said she tops out at 68.

View attachment 41763
I think I know exactly what @Bruce was thinking: "Look, this would cut the time of crossing to Bimini in half. Hmmm..."
Found the people of wal mart.

Looked like they used 5 gallons of dawn dish soap.