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Show us what you see!!!

You got it. We are hanging out on 6th Street this week.
Sweet! I have designed and sold the roofing systems on several of those high rise condos downtown! Can't miss that Frost Tower building. I have always thought The elaborate top makes it look like it should be about 50 stories taller for some reason. If you get a chance grab some dinner at Guerro's on Congress Ave. Usually a good band playing outside and great food! It was also the scene in the movie "Chef" where the kid and his Dad are sitting on the top of the food truck listening to Gary Clark Jr. tear it up on the Blues Guitar!
Northbound us41 and indiana route 2:
Check the sticker
This should really be "what you don't see"

yes unfortunately I lost my @txav8r customs box anchor last week,


  • bruce's king fish sept 99.JPG
    bruce's king fish sept 99.JPG
    731.4 KB · Views: 9
He's out in his motorhome.
No, he's working! Lol. I hate hearing that you lost your box anchor @Scottintexas . But I soon will be Putin the coach, towing the boat! I don't mind making a batch if there is a demand of say 7 or 8 guys that want them. I can't keep costs down furious unless I have about 8, and I won't powder coat again. So it is hot dipped galvanized or stainless steel. Unfortunately, stainless is best and it costs more to buy, mill, weld, and grind, than does mild steel. I stopped making them primarily because they only fit our 230 boats between 2007-2009, and doing 8 plus is a big job. I could do a few stainless but those cost me over $300 to do and to cover my costs I will want more than $350 to do them. I don't profit from them, but I don't want to lose money either, as making them is just plain laborious. Scott, I finally grew accustomed to using the slide box anchor and can unfold and fold easily now, and it will fit in the anchor locker.
I saw this last Sunday, I don't know what it is other than a cool looking three wheeler.
This is the biggest foos ball table I've ever seen. My boy and I had a great time playing each other on it and for a little bit of a work out as well.
Drove to dinner in my boat, nice way to unwind after a long day at office. Raced back to the skip ahead of the sunset. Man I have to figure out how to live on the lake, I could get used to this!
This was after we avoided a huge T Storm.

And this is my neighborhood
This was after we avoided a huge T Storm.
@RobA , was that on Monday evening? If so, I was "driving" from home to (eventually) catch a flight out of DCA and I wanted my Yamaha to get down Route 1 - or at least a jetski! Good lord, what a downpour. Glad you avoided it and it turned into a good day for you!
@msavold , thanks for sharing the info. Although I'm am a little disappointed to learn that it is not a true classic car. It is still very nice and was getting a lot of attention at Huntington Beach (Scal) where I saw it.
Drove to dinner in my boat, nice way to unwind after a long day at office. Raced back to the skip ahead of the sunset. Man I have to figure out how to live on the lake, I could get used to this!

Were you on Tonka? Where did you go for dinner?
Were you on Tonka? Where did you go for dinner?

Yes and the pic was on the way back from Maynard's to my rented slip on Grays, so a nice cruise.
image.jpeg From our last night in Grassy Key. Boat did great to bad we had 15+ knot winds and 3-5' by Sombereo Lighthouse. It was a fun trip though here is the sandbar to relax. image.jpeg
@RobA , was that on Monday evening? If so, I was "driving" from home to (eventually) catch a flight out of DCA and I wanted my Yamaha to get down Route 1 - or at least a jetski! Good lord, what a downpour. Glad you avoided it and it turned into a good day for you!

Actually it was Saturday afternoon. Caught a lot of boaters off guard.

We had to divert our course and take refuge in a restaurant for a couple hours.

Hope you had a good flight!