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Installing my own snaps! Was a little scared since i had never done before but now i think we got this.
Making straps so i don't have snaps on the back of my boat for the cockpit cover.
Installing my own snaps! Was a little scared since i had never done before but now i think we got this.
Making straps so i don't have snaps on the back of my boat for the cockpit cover.
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So how do these straps work????
So how do these straps work????
Well, the idea is to have the snaps snap onto the snap on cover snaps. They are put to the inside of a looped end, which means the snap isn't rubbing against the boat at all, just the fabric.
Then, the strap goes to the underside of the boat. This is where I need to decide if I'm going to have each strap go to a specific screw in snap (yes I have plenty of 5200) or tied somehow to things like the ladder or tie down hooks. I'm extremely leery of drilling holes so there will be a lot of measuring and testing before any of that goes on! A total of 9 straps/snaps to do this with but then I won't have any snaps where we all jump off the back of the boat.
Was in London this week and saw some cool cars parked on the street (no garages in these neighborhoods). Sent pics to my kid and he knows the make and model and top speed right away. Yesterday I got to show him some of the cars that i know by heart at the classic car show.

London super cars:


More my style, some 60's Chevy muscle cars:

Why not just put snaps along the edge of the first step and then have loose fabric laying over the last part of the swim deck? It probably wouldn't be that loose with the arc of the step holding it in place?
Why not just put snaps along the edge of the first step and then have loose fabric laying over the last part of the swim deck? It probably wouldn't be that loose with the arc of the step holding it in place?
Looser than you think and would get wind whipped all over the back step while driving for sure.
This is how it looks with the pole up pretty high due to rain wanting to pool. Need it secured!
It pulls down past the black hydroturf when the pole isn't so high but i had to bring it up extra high because the rear snaps aren't in to keep things snug. I am sure i will post this afternoon when i get a bit more done.
Loose without the poles would be okay because you won't be driving. So I would put the snaps just under the rub rail. Out of the way and should never be hot in sun, and on back of leg, because of lake water. Still tight while trailering. My two cents.
Loose without the poles would be okay because you won't be driving. So I would put the snaps just under the rub rail. Out of the way and should never be hot in sun, and on back of leg, because of lake water. Still tight while trailering. My two cents.
Just tied up the straps to the back of the boat instead of doing any drilling. I think i will try it all out during the Cumberland and Shelbyville trip and see how it does.
Don't think i could stretch ot down below the rub rail. If i had planned ahead to do that i maybe could have stretched it a bit but i got this thing pretty tight.
That's a good idea. If it works I would stick with that. Less of the snap holes, the better. I like bow and cockpit covers but not the snaps required.
That's a good idea. If it works I would stick with that. Less of the snap holes, the better. I like bow and cockpit covers but not the snaps required.
I tried figuring out the bow in a similar fashion but grew impatient and drilled the holes. The back platform is really the only spot where the snaps are invasive.
@Rana needed AP teacher training so we are giving the kids a city experience this week. Just picked up dinner from Whole Foods #1. Who recognizes the skyline?

That lit up building looks very much like Frost Tower in Austin.
That lit up building looks very much like Frost Tower in Austin.

You got it. We are hanging out on 6th Street this week.
Austin TX

EDIT: darned, I was late.
Drinks at the Lava Lounge under the Rainforest Cafe at Downtown Disney... er uh Disney Springs now, or for the older guys the old Pleasure Island 20160717_204945.jpg