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Show us what you see!!!

Did portillos in Chicago, and of course got their Italian beef! And then 4 way skyline chili in cinci. Grab some Primanti's on the rest of my trip tomorrow!
Did portillos in Chicago, and of course got their Italian beef! And then 4 way skyline chili in cinci. Grab some Primanti's on the rest of my trip tomorrow!
Oh man....now you're making me hungry. I guess I could drive to Lauderdale and hit that Primantis:winkingthumbsup"
Waking up at the cabin.
Have not broken down and bought the lift for the Yamaha yet, still pull it every weekend. To many expenses our first year of cabin ownership.
I have 54 hours on it.

The ride compared to the FZR isn't even close. This thing is a Cadillac compared to it. I don't get beat up in the chop. The sound of the engine is intoxicating, that supercharger screams. But it loves fuel compared to the Yamaha.

Honestly both skis are not in the same class. The FZR is a bare knuckle in your face muscle machine. That thing is like strapping a rocket under your ass. The RX is faster, but you dont feel it as much. The FX is an excellent ski as well. I just dont think you can go wrong with any of them out there now.

Looks fun @ScarabMike. How many hours do you have on that 2016 already? How does it compare to the FZR you had?
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Nope. But I can't wait to hear what it is!

It's an elephant, and no it's not pink I had only one when I saw it. I think it it's Horton, you can see the little poof ball at the end of his trunk.
It's an elephant, and no it's not pink I had only one when I saw it. I think it it's Horton, you can see the little poof ball at the end of his trunk.
Interesting, in the same cloud I see the abominable snowman carrying little red riding hood under one arm while flipping the bird to Jaba the hut. (No joke)
Interesting, in the same cloud I see the abominable snowman carrying little red riding hood under one arm while flipping the bird to Jaba the hut. (No joke)

I'll have what he's having! :-)
Uh oh, who can diagnose the problem?
