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A bit of work before play. Did this at launch this evening. First rope!


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No Pressure...People just get KILLED if you mess up at work.
The most I have had go wrong is a lifting shackle bent due to a goofy angle on the top side of the piece. So as it lifted the piece straight (double drumming on the crane) one of the top shackles didn't spin properly and I had a bent lifting shackle on a 50k+ lb piece. Kept it low and had 20 foot to drop into place so that was still our safest bet. It had 4 shackles on top and each one was rated for 20k lbs but if this one snapped that would send the piece all sideways putting extra stress on the other 2 (the third would do nothing as it's all on roller blocks).
That's the kinda stuff that makes you feel good when you know your stuff is 5 times rated!!!
A bit of work before play. Did this at launch this evening. First rope!
Fortunately have a rental with a boat lift up here at Lake LBJ west of Austin. Went out this morning with a life jacket and a knife and had it out in about 10 minutes. Had a nice morning cruise after!
What's wrong with what I see?

The famous beer of death....... Cam.
Ugh, they have them out already!? I have problems drinking Oktoberfest when it's still summer.
Ugh, they have them out already!? I have problems drinking Oktoberfest when it's still summer.
Me too! But I had to give this one a shot as it is new for Rhinegeist (Amazing). I promise not to drink one on the boat until at least October. :stop:
I was gonna say it's an Oktoberfest brew meaning to me a fall brew. One of my favorite Oktoberfest brews is Shiner beer out of my great home state of Texas. It should be out next month and I will be enjoying it on the boat once I have some on hand. It's not made year around so I have to get it while it's available.
After a whole week and about 15 new hours. . . . Finally putting her to bed (for a short nap).

Picture day for Varsity HS Volleyball. #18 is my little one!!
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Wow! Those are cool school photos! I figured everyone always had to do the three lines of sit, kneel, stand and 3 photos you're done.
No kidding! This is just a fraction. The photographer took over 200 pictures in all sorts of poses.
that first picture is excellent ! #19 wants someone to pay for something...... whats the difference between black/white dresses? seniors?
Yep. Seniors are in the white.
This is my son's backpacking itinerary at Philmont Scout camp in NM. It's 72 miles over 12 days. They are half way through today. I've never watched the radar/weather so much over the last week! Luckily they've only had a few short scattered showers over 2-3 days.

Glad I decided to change these!

That is scary. Now I have to check mine.
I am pretty sure i need to change mine but it's less fun than speakers and towers and stuff.