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Cold and rain outside so we had fun inside...


How do you like that Ruger MKIII? Mine is a jam machine.

So far so good for us. We've had it about 4 years and only run maybe 250 rounds thru it. We are partial to Ruger since we used to live near Prescott, AZ where they have a factory.
So far so good for us. We've had it about 4 years and only run maybe 250 rounds thru it. We are partial to Ruger since we used to live near Prescott, AZ where they have a factory.
That's good. I love Rugers, the 10/22s are iconic and dead reliable...not to mention fun to mod with lots of parts available. I have several rifles and pistols. The SR22 is one of my favorite little pistols, even bought a purple one for my daughter (19).

I need to send the MKIII back to them and see what they can do. I did a few things like polished the feed ramp and removed the loaded chamber indicator but I still get jams about every mag. I only have about 150-200 rounds through it because it's so frustrating. Thought it might loosen up though but it hasn't
We were the ferry to and from a house boat wedding party last night into this morning. We had a great time with friends and their families. Many passengers talked about how impressed they were with our Yamaha. And we had the best parking!

We started the day in rain gear but the weather cleared up for a sunset cruise on Lake Ouachita.

From Saint Mary's Glacier, Colorado this weekend.
IMG_3801.JPG IMG_3869.JPG IMG_3898.JPG IMG_3904.JPG IMG_3905.JPG IMG_3957.JPG
From Red Rocks in Colorado this weekend.IMG_3716.JPG IMG_3717.JPG IMG_3765.JPG
IMG_0615.JPG While you were all out having fun, I made myself do some work this weekend. Mopped my garage. Yup... I said it. My wife thought I was nuts, but I bet her many others on this forum do the same. Am I nuts?
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Someone decided to supervise my rehab:image.jpeg
While you were all out having fun, I made myself do some work this weekend. Mopped my garage. Yup... I said it. My wife thought I was nuts, but I bet her many others on this forum do the same. Am I nuts?

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Nah... you are not nuts. I do it..... well.... I would do it if I had a garage but hopefully this fall we will be building one... then I will mop the floor just so u won't be alone! Cause I'm that kinda guy!
$5 bike racks from lowes to get the toys off the floorimage.jpeg
Anyone notice anything cool about my Jetboaters.net flag in the photos above?
It's signed by the guys who built it?