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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

Those are the reverse cables which were still working. They certainly were a ticking time bomb.
Not sure if a Forum Member here or not, but it's parked at The Boardwalk on Okaloosa Island (Fort Walton Beach). Texas tags on the truck and trailer.

We've had a lot of rain and the cover is being tested without the anti-pooling poles in.

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Not sure if a Forum Member here or not, but it's parked at The Boardwalk on Okaloosa Island (Fort Walton Beach). Texas tags on the truck and trailer.

We've had a lot of rain and the cover is being tested without the anti-pooling poles in.

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It'll blow off at speed no problem.
Sharp boat though!
Look what I just got in the mail!!!!!! Go USA!!
Representin on the ICW today.

Enjoy coming to our 'hood (live about 5mins away) for the Ryder. Let me know if you need any recommendations for the area...
Need some accommodations!!
Let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get ROCKED! Def Leppard!!!image.jpeg
Even Sir Paul McCartney rocks a Yamaha!! Great concert in St. Louis!!20160813_222554.jpg
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It's not time for school yet

Go karts !
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Rainy Saturdays call for Bushwsckers at Moe's.
Saturday at Pine Island on Lake Livingston! 20160820_112245.jpg