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Show us what you see!!!

Got a broke steering cable?

Either that or my boat is cross jetted!

The port cable is broken. Interestingly it drives ok at speed with reduced right turning ability but at low speed I had to shut down the port engine to be able to turn right at all.
Spent Thursday thru Sunday in a basketball gym watching my #15 play in the Primetime Sports National Championship. Out of 36 teams we got 5th. Kinda got robbed in the semi-finals by the refs with a total foul count of 22-7 against us. They did great, played hard and had a great final game win to close out the season!!!
Scoping out a train bridge to jump off off. Cam.
2016 Aug1 Scoping the TBridge.jpg
Um, yeah...count me out.
Um, yeah...count me out.
No Doubt...but my daughter would be all over it...She's a daredevil. Did her first skydive for her 19th birthday....then scheduled the second.
Happy dog that daddy took Friday off so he could go out on the boat swimming . image.jpeg
Steps? Meaning you don't take elevators?

Steps meaning....huge amounts of walking in this MASSIVE convention center! Walking from room to convention center (through the casino), to dinner (through the casino), to room (through the casino)....ends up being miles of walking! Wouldn't surprise me if its a mile from one end to the other!
Steps meaning....huge amounts of walking in this MASSIVE convention center! Walking from room to convention center (through the casino), to dinner (through the casino), to room (through the casino)....ends up being miles of walking! Wouldn't surprise me if its a mile from one end to the other!
I just did the no elevator shuffle at Disney. Sigh....
Went cycling near the waters of sf bay today trying to get some excercise in the in the fresh, clean air but kept seeing these signs along the way.

Also saw a few of the shortest and smallest windmills I've ever seen, most were working.

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The weather was nice and cool this morning so we let the boat have a rest and headed down to Snake Creek trail and had a great morning ride.
On the way to the trail we saw some great boating spots on the St. Croix river and also Lake Pepin, looking forward to getting the boat in some new water soon.
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Steps meaning....huge amounts of walking in this MASSIVE convention center! Walking from room to convention center (through the casino), to dinner (through the casino), to room (through the casino)....ends up being miles of walking! Wouldn't surprise me if its a mile from one end to the other!
Dude, tell me about it!!! I hate conferences in Vegas for that very reason. In 2007 I tore my ACL, MCL, and meniscus on a Sunday morning racing dirt bikes. Iced it all day. Flew to Vegas Monday evening and worked in our booth Tuesday-Friday. Only thing that got me through were cabs, ice, and serious quantities of hydracodone and vodka! I had just started my job and also did not want to tell them I had a hazardous hobby for fear they would drop me from insurance!
What is your job? I erect a good bit of precast walls and flexicore slabs. I am our companies certified crane rigger so it's my job to know the piece weight and rigging points and cable loads etc.
No Pressure...People just get KILLED if you mess up at work.