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Show us what you see!!!

View attachment 41308
After watching ,"The Life of Pets," as requested by Gavin all week we went for dinner. As we were leaving Bruce noticed this Yamaha in the Wal-Mart parking lot... It was our first boat with a few more scuffs... We had some good times in that boat...

We had a blue LX2000 loved it.
Today...decent sub move...Lol

I think somebody on here would totally dig this beer glass!!!!!
Emma decided to try out the new shelves. @Rana worked hard today.

My faithful BBQ assistant hoping I make a mistake!

Had a great weekend at Lake Havasu, this pic is North of the lake on the Colorado River, chilling at the Sandbar!!

I'll show you what I DON'T see.......My freaking flagpole and flags!!....RIP somewhere between the launch and dock !!

One of my daughters 16th birthday presents. Can't complain, except for the 95 degree heat. After years of Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez it's about time that I get to goto a concert I want to see.20160712_164456.jpg
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One of my daughters 16th birthday presents. Can't complain, except for the 95 degree heat. After years of Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez it's about time that I get to goto a concert I want to see.View attachment 41530
How did they sound?
@Murf'n'surf At the concert now GnR don't come on until 9:30ish, hopefully Axl hasn't ruined his voice yet. Little disappointed that Alice in Chains didn't come to Pittsburgh to open, we get Wolfmother.
I see a forum that won't let me say 'crap'.

The "Perks" of working 12 hour night shifts. Get to see the sun set, then the sun rise before you go home.

This is looking west last night, as the sun set.


This is looking east this morning, as the sun was beginning to rise for a new day.
