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Another weekend away from the boat :confused:
Football guys are nuts over here!

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I guess after 9 years you should expect a broken strap
It looked very weathered but not as bad as arm after it hit winch

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Ouch. Guess it is time for a Fulton F2 winch. It may help the pain.
Good friend just handed me a pissa yetti bday present !!!

O WAIT! Nevermind,....defective
Pretty sure I saw @ripler today on the river.

Plus saw this...

View attachment 39569
That was me stopping to pull another small twig from the impeller. And that guy in the yellow boat drives like an idiot, I saw him and a small sea doo trying to spray each other while driving side by side down the river.
Most folks down there drive like idiots so I'm not surprised.

Plenty of sticks to go around. I started and ended my day with digging out sticks.
image.jpeg Bimini
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Oh that's sweet not sure how I haven't seen pictures of it yet. Or else I forgot. Sweet looking ride.
Got our '16 dollar up next to our '15

Glad to see you went to see Tones !!! Hope you had some of that Island Shandy he had last year.
You know it @waterboy! Enjoyed some Kalik Radlers, rum punch, and a few cubanos.