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Show us what you see!!!

Where was the invite! Love some partying in the ghetto!!
@GiddYupJoe It was college reunion weekend. Our friends own several properties in the ghetto, this particular one they leveled the existing house and built new. It was finished off enough that they let us stay the weekend it it. Excellent weekend!

Guy playing guitar standing in the pickup was riffing for about 2hrs straight. That party went from 9 or so in the morning until 230am.

Dizzy bat
As seen from my GoPro. First one is traveling into the East Pass in Destin, from the Gulf of Mexico. Second pic is at Crab Island.

Yamaha East Pass.jpg Yamaha Crab Island.jpg
The wife and my daughter out on the lake today.
Wow, lucky guy...and you have a nice looking boat too.
Changed the oil out on the lake today.image.jpeg image.jpeg
Awesome...I see your first mate was put to good use!! :)
He was alright until doing the second engine and he said "hey! My feet are getting hot!"
I use child labor ;).


Dats allad of Yamaha's.
Show us what you see in pictures. Post your pics of daily life, the kids baseball game, the exotic sports car at the red light.....anything goes. No back story needed if you don't want to type out an explanation. Feel free to hijack and discuss what others post or what you post.

Let's SEE it!

I just realized after 135 pages no one liked your original post until now. . . .

Getting my Pedi on for the sandal weather. . . . Let the ridicule commence!

Nothing wrong with a good pedicure every once in a while. I usually go with my wife. My friends sometimes razz me about it but they all have nasty, dry, cracking feet. When I'm there I often overhear comments from women patrons like, "I wish my husband would get a pedicure." Still I always bring in my own masculine reading material.