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Finally installing my transducer.

Very rare Fire Rainbow.
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Yes sir @2nazt. Came with the elite 4-hdi I bought last black Friday. I just glued it down with 5200 back near the battery, on the opposite side of the bilge pump.

Me and a few friends testing those fishing sun screens off the other thread!!
Yes sir @2nazt. Came with the elite 4-hdi I bought last black Friday. I just glued it down with 5200 back near the battery, on the opposite side of the bilge pump.

View attachment 38230
Did you water test the trasducer yet? Is 5200 working better than epoxy? Very interested in your opinion.
@swatski - I used 5200 on my transducer and cable. We boat a few times a month and I haven't had any problems. And my transducer has been installed for over a year.
@swatski - I used 5200 on my transducer and cable. We boat a few times a month and I haven't had any problems. And my transducer has been installed for over a year.
View attachment 38295
Hah - very clever to run the transom transducer cable through the scupper orifice!

I was looking at @veedubtek Elite 4 transducer install- embedding in 5200 for through hull install, rather than the more common epoxy. I want to move one of mine, and love the idea of using 5200.
Oh... yeah I see that now.
Well if you care to mount on the outside let me know and I'll be happy to forward any information and/or pics.
We had some great water today.

And I found a new grill stand.

Hah - very clever to run the transom transducer cable through the scupper orifice!

I was looking at @veedubtek Elite 4 transducer install- embedding in 5200 for through hull install, rather than the more common epoxy. I want to move one of mine, and love the idea of using 5200.

Use all that 5200...we'll make more!! :thumbsup:
Use all that 5200...we'll make more!! :thumbsup:
@Jim Robeson I will, love that stuff, used it for years. :D

But, I am also your biggest nightmare ever since I've learned it keeps fresh in a freezer (after it's been opened)...
I now have a dedicated shelf for it! :p
I am guessing that you work for 3M, my Father worked for 3M for 37 years. He worked at the Decatur Alabama Plant.
I have been at our Springfield plant for 30 years now. I have worked with several folks from the Decatur plant but that has been over 20 years ago.

On a side note, most of the marine sealants and aerosols that you will find on the shelves of your favorite stores are made right here in Springfield. They all come through our lab and I usually have a hand on what gets released and what doesn't. We make everything from arts and craft adhesives to products that keep airplanes together. Think about that the next time you fly, that plane your in has glue all over it!! :winkingthumbsup"
I have been at our Springfield plant for 30 years now. I have worked with several folks from the Decatur plant but that has been over 20 years ago.

On a side note, most of the marine sealants and aerosols that you will find on the shelves of your favorite stores are made right here in Springfield. They all come through our lab and I usually have a hand on what gets released and what doesn't. We make everything from arts and craft adhesives to products that keep airplanes together. Think about that the next time you fly, that plane your in has glue all over it!! :winkingthumbsup"

We use a few 3M products in the Air Force.