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Don't know how the picture turned out but my lake looked beautiful withlights reflecting on the water and stars all above on a clear day.... night... dang i get up early for work...
Went to a local ranch for a few days of hog hunting and this is what's mounted on the front porch!
A lightening strike took out the amplifier for the pair of 12s in the 7.1 system in my living room so I replaced it with an old Crown amplifier which created a new problem that it was too powerful. So I added a second pair of 12s. That solved the too powerful problem.


Now the speaker grills keep bouncing off ;)
I wired up the kicker marine speakers with built in LEDs for a bench/desk test tonight. Everything works as advertised, at least they look good, I'm not sure how they will sound but doubt that I will be disappointed. Didn't really need the remote as I can't imagine I will be spending a lot of time changing the colors of the lights or how frequently they flash, especially since these will be installed at the swim deck.
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Always wanted to see these monuments. Crazy Horse is really coming along. Hope to take the family on a trek out there one of these summers. Thanks for sharing!
Happy Easter everyone! I decided I'd get out early and do some garage boating this morning. Listened to some tunes, wrote some emails and just enjoyed looking at my seadek. I adjusted my newly repaired captains chair (so much better with everything greased) and just hung out. Hung out in the bow, laid back in the stern seats, sat on the swim deck. Nice morning and I was back in time to make the kids breakfast, only to answer questions of what I was doing in the garage making motorboat sounds...hope everyone enjoys their weekend. View attachment 34825

Why is the lanyard on a suction cup on the windshield? Should I be doing this?
Why is the lanyard on a suction cup on the windshield? Should I be doing this?
I'm guessing that reminds him to clip in when getting underway.
Emma wanted a full sized bunk bed with a desk under it for her birthday. We had a desk so I built a bunk bed to go over it. The lower bunk is on pulleys and raises up and down. It is up in this picture. When lowered it sits 2" above the desk top. She has two sleepovers planned this weekend. The first with 4 kids in the bed the second with 3.

Emma wanted a full sized bunk bed with a desk under it for her birthday. We had a desk so I built a bunk bed to go over it. The lower bunk is on pulleys and raises up and down. It is up in this picture. When lowered it sits 2" above the desk top. She has two sleepovers planned this weekend. The first with 4 kids in the bed the second with 3.

View attachment 35756

Cool! Just be sure the cat isn't on the desk when you lower it! LOL
@Bruce I had almost that same set up when I was in college. Lol.

Nice work.
1st pitch of the season was a good one.
HOMERUN! Nice going.

Our 3yr old is starting soccer this weekend. We said it would be great to strap a GoPro onto him and listen to what he says while he is out there.

My daughter played 3yr old soccer last fall. I had a blast watching soccer at that age. While I never played (mostly just the big 3) I didn't know if I would enjoy it or not. To my surprise, I liked it much better then T-Ball (at least at this age). It's just a much faster game and the kids stay engaged longer. If I had strapped a GoPro on her during soccer it would have sounded something like "Daddy, every time I try and kick the ball that boy takes it away"....lol

It took her 3 or 4 games before she realized she wasn't lining up for a field goal each time she had the chance to kick the ball. It was definitely a good time.