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@Bruce was that a parking meter at the wharf that your boat was tied to???
@Bruce was that a parking meter at the wharf that your boat was tied to???

It is. I believe they put it there as a joke. The nearby cleat was pulling loose so I tied to the parking meter.
lil' bit farther, almost there, , lil' bit farther
And I was wondering why the boat just floated off like that!!
This could have also fell into the category of "Watch this and Hold my beer"...maybe even both!!
I was just trying to point out it looks like he needs to replace the Port bunk.
Sadly I have seen a few blunders like that happen right in front of me at the boat ramp at FORT DESOTO PARK boat ramp
I have seen this first hand also. I helped pull a sinking truck out of the water once. I happened to have a tow rope handy, and we used my brother's truck. I actually had to dive underwater to find something to hook the towrope to. I was looking for a tow hook on the truck or something. But, it was sinking fast. So, I quickly decided to hook my tow rope around the axle inside the fenderwell - which I was able to get to.
Camping at Lake O the Pines in east Texas.
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Cheers to spring!
