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I have not seen this personally, yet, but thought it close enough to to me and interesting enough to share anyway.

Cost was $15k, opponents say it promotes indecent exposure and discriminates against women.

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Only in San Fran can it be both offensive for having one for a man and offensive again for not having one for a woman.

I wonder what Bruce, I mean Caitlyn Jenner thinks of it? Somehow relieved and offended at the same time perhaps?
We had a fun morning at the farm. Papa and the kids caught lunch. Then we took a hike in the woods and cooled off in the creek.

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I was able to enjoy the morning with my daughter, she wanted to learn to drive the boat so with a 70 degree no wind day how could I say no,
boat ran great and she even practiced docking,

grace driving 03042016.jpg
My 14 yo recently showed the same interest, I was very happy. She wants to take the boating safety course now.

Yes it brings back memories when someone hit my van and then flipped my trailer and destroyed one of my skies on the interstate a couple years ago


  • accident 05 25 14 ski, van, trailer wrecked 012.JPG
    accident 05 25 14 ski, van, trailer wrecked 012.JPG
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an old friend from high school posted this to his facebook not too long ago. It was his boat. He commented he blew a tire to cause the accident.Capture.JPG
Just saw that the docks for Blue Marsh Lake go in April 15th and it might be earlier due to warmer weather. Looking forward to it and like their latest picture

Blue marsh lake.jpg
THAT IS 1 HAPPY KID! The dog it appears has some reservations.
Finally got the GPS installed on one of the skis. And faithful assistant @DieselCamel standing in the way drinking all my beer.

