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Christmas in Iowa this year for us. Our "California Kids" were thrilled to see snow fall and enjoy their first White Christmas.
Emma received a Kano Computer for Christmas and is busy teaching the family to code.

Christmas evening, relaxing after dinner. I think it was still 70F at 8 o'clock!
Life is too short to bitch. So I often don't... But seriously! I don't even have words for this minivan driver.

Went to Sneaky Petes on lake lewisville on Christmas Eve, but with the lake level still being high, part of the bridge was submerged. Nothing like cold lake water to built up that appetite. #thebridgeisout
image.jpeg This guy just took "fartcan" to the next level!
@Shuck Water you could have walked on the railings to stay dry but that would only work going TO Sneaky Petes. ;)
Ate lunch at this place today. I hear they are big local sports fans.
Apparently some of the local sports teams like the San Fancisco 49ers are big fans of theirs.
That would have earned them some Vaseline under their door handles.

I wish I had some with me! It was my sons 6th birthday and I stood outside while the family was in the car just waiting on this driver to come out. Waited about 30 minutes after I had them call his plate over the loud speaker a couple times. My wife's pissed off face eventually made me resort to climbing over from the passenger side and just leaving a not so polite note on his/her windshield.
Hey @Bruce how'd that Piehole whiskey treat ya? I saw the Pecan Pie variety on the shelf the other day but I decided that at $17 it was a little too top shelf for my taste... I opted for the Fireball instead.
Hey @Bruce how'd that Piehole whiskey treat ya? I saw the Pecan Pie variety on the shelf the other day but I decided that at $17 it was a little too top shelf for my taste... I opted for the Fireball instead.
Pecan Pie Whiskey? You have my attention.