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Lol! That is funny! You are a true Sherlock Holmes my friend! So here's the story. My wife started a tradition of doing shots in the room before we go down to the Ball. They are called Peppermint Patties. You pour a little Hershey's syrup in your mouth and then pour in some peppermint schnapps. Then swallow together. Here are some action shots. View attachment 31154View attachment 31155
Dang we need to party with you!!
I saw this on the local news last night. I've boat past there for lunch, it's near the east end of the bay bridge and jack London square. I would love to hear this happned.
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I can kid of sympathize with the guy....I heard it was the "captain" and these 5 girls....He might have been distracted.
Looks like Dwayne is doing all of his own stunts!
Thinking about summer already....Actually I probably will not have that view of my boat much longer. We sold our lake house and dock and will close January 15th. It has been a wonderful place to enjoy the lake with friends and family for the last 10 years. Keeping the boat but just want have our own dock anymore. A little sad about all of that but we are going to start traveling more again.
Thinking about summer already....Actually I probably will not have that view of my boat much longer. We sold our lake house and dock and will close January 15th. It has been a wonderful place to enjoy the lake with friends and family for the last 10 years. Keeping the boat but just want have our own dock anymore. A little sad about all of that but we are going to start traveling more again.
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Congratulations on the sale, but sorry for your loss at the same time... Are you selling the boat too or does it already have a new storage spot?
Each year I do up a little something to hand around to coworkers and friends I bump into here/there.......This years item: Paperweights!!....
The proportions are actually pretty spot on (for that emergency hair of the dog situation)...

Congratulations on the sale, but sorry for your loss at the same time... Are you selling the boat too or does it already have a new storage spot?

Nope, keeping the boat. We just have to find a spot for her. May just rent a place on land for a month or two until we can find a slip with a lift.
well at least I'm not looking at this anymore, it's an injector from my diesel truck that was leaking, every time I would slow down the cab would fill with the smell of diesel,
I was actually able to fix it myself this afternoon, just new orings on top of the injector,
wet injector jpg.jpg

on another note, I finally bought a tool chest last Christmas, it's nothing special but it been a great benefit, I had my tools in three carry boxes in two different places and it was always a mess and search and rescue mission to find something, Now everything has a place, need a flat head they all have a drawer, need a crescent, funnel, filter wrench or even a pair of scissors, I know right where to go, what a time and attitude saver,
tool box jpg.jpg
I need a bigger toolbox! Hmmmm... Hey Santa you got yer ears on?
well at least I'm not looking at this anymore, it's an injector from my diesel truck that was leaking, every time I would slow down the cab would fill with the smell of diesel,
I was actually able to fix it myself this afternoon, just new orings on top of the injector,
View attachment 31439

on another note, I finally bought a tool chest last Christmas, it's nothing special but it been a great benefit, I had my tools in three carry boxes in two different places and it was always a mess and search and rescue mission to find something, Now everything has a place, need a flat head they all have a drawer, need a crescent, funnel, filter wrench or even a pair of scissors, I know right where to go, what a time and attitude saver,
View attachment 31440
Just need some labels on there.

Annapolis yacht club burned down today. They cancelled the Christmas boat parade because of it. No-one was injured thank god.

We parked in the lot next door.
Gotta love those Dallas Stars Ice Girls!!
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