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My coworker and I took a closer look at it during lunch, it is kit car but one of the better ones I've seen and it got right in with some of the other true exotics around here. I think the badges were real and if so they probably cost more than engine in the thing. One of the Things tat gave it away was the steel plate covering the rear hatch, that and the fact that the body kit was so beat up.

Here is a pic of another car that I see in the lot occasionally. I haven't gotten a pic of the new full Wing Mercedes but that one is no imi either. Kind of sucks seeing all these nice cars since I know I won't be owning one, anytime soon anyway.
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Not surprising that the lower edge of that front end is all chipped up as it has....what....perhaps 3 inches of ground clearance???
One of the MH53Es that I get to work with. I didn't see it or take the pic but it's the flight line outside my office window.

Nice pic of that B-2 stand....just need to get that chopper out of the way;-)

That's one of the many pieces of equipment I maintained in the AF.
You should try carrying an 80 lb. pack of shingles up a 22 foot ladder! I barely made it up one time back when I was in my early 20's and used to manual labor. Roofers earn their pay!
Nice pic of that B-2 stand....just need to get that chopper out of the way;-)

That's one of the many pieces of equipment I maintained in the AF.
We have one in Korea that has some damage...we might need you to fix it. Blade strike ...destroyed 6 blades....I wish I had pics, I heard it was ugly.

I'm just not sure how you F that up......Some people are getting hammered for that.
I pic of my work site this weekend. Helping to install a new roof on my home. Now I know why I've never seen a fat roofer.

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You should try carrying an 80 lb. pack of shingles up a 22 foot ladder! I barely made it up one time back when I was in my early 20's and used to manual labor. Roofers earn their pay!
I was going to say, what's the deal with that fancy elevator....I WAS the elevator when I did roofing back in the early 90's. The rolled roofing is the biggest bear....I would be the guy carrying shingles up to 2 guys nailing. Had to keep them stocked. I was just out of basic training and was in the best shape of my life and it still kicked my ass.

Probably contributed to my horrible back. Another surgery scheduled for 22 dec.....Merry Christmas to me.
This is Gavin sitting on a Farmall Cub like his Great Grandfather's. Except his Great Grandfather's had rust instead of paint and a full array of plows.

Emma sat down and had a conversation with John Deer.

I wish this was going to be a tractor or john deer pic but I unfortunately found my truck broken into this morning. The likely popped the lock out but still couldn't open it so they just broke the window. Like most times it was a crime of convenience as the only thing taken was a 10 yr old gps on the center floor board and a small duffle from the back seat with about 10 cargo straps, luckily they left the 2 pairs of heavy duty jumper cables and floor jack that the bag was on top of that were probably worth 3x as much as the others combined. Anyways, $120. to get the window replaced and still waiting to figure out the door lock, @BigN8 @BravoMike

truck broken window 2 jpg.jpg truck broken window 1 jpg.jpg truck broke lock 3 jpg.jpg
@Scottintexas ... that really sucks!! Sorry to see this happening but sadly the same thing is going on all over our city as well. People breaking into cars and homes in right in the middle of the day. And the holiday season is just getting started.

Really sorry.
@Scottintexas dude that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think we had any break ins in our neighborhood this morning. I did wake up to see all the trees had been rolled with TP in the front yard. So my teenage daughters had the pleasure of me waking them up this morning at 7:30 on their day off from school to go outside and clean that shit up before the rain started!!!

Last week I heard there were some kids running around the neighborhoods shooting car windows out with a pellet gun. I heard they got about 20 cars.

I keep a Glock 42 next to the drivers seat. I think I may bring that gun in for a week or 2 based on your report
2015 Dallas Margarita Ball. 14,000 people in tuxes and ball gowns bringing toys to a party to help kids!! What a great event!!!image.jpegimage.jpeg
Looking good @BigN8 !! Looks like some kids are going to be real happy come Christmas!!
That's awesome helping the kids and it looks like everyone delivered.

@BigN8 is that Hershey's Syrup on the counter?