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Show us what you see!!!

image.jpeg image.jpeg

Started my birthday off early this morning, and now the cooker is smoking nicely Love the smell
19yrs and 3 kids later (not to mention I convinced her to buy a Yamaha AR240! and the mods are rolling in) and you do what she wants
image.jpg Couldn't reply all week as I had no service - but this was my balcony view all last week from St. Marteen

Pats game today, all day affair including breakfast, lunch and dinner tailgate!image.jpegimage.jpeg image.jpegimage.jpeg image.jpeg
BARBIE's HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGrill.jpg BARBIE's Grill.jpg A few weeks ago, someone made a small post about a 'smoker / cooker. As I remember the post (which, of course I can't find now, which I cannot now find, I haned to give a few ' more details.

We use it weekly also up until recently.
Incredibly EXCELLENT Smoker.
The designer is BEN LANG, and and he's right slab in the middle of BBQ country.
I mean the 'guys" are always looking for OUT, few add-ons to make your cooking experience better & better.
IF you do wantt a Lang, many times there is a waiting list.

But in the end, it's so worth it !!!!!!!!

Enjoy, Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA


Found 1 more photo we thought y'ld llvlove see. And the is the SMALLEST unit.

Please enjoy, Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA

Make sure you watch the importand streaming of our Link. Looks just as good 30 or so
cooking days today as as does now.

Last edited:
View attachment 30856 A few weeks ago, someone made a small post about a 'smoker / cooker. As I remember i, which I cannot now find, I haned to give a few ' more details.

We use it also up until recently.
Incredibly EXCELLENT Smoker.
The desighner is BEN LANG, and and he's right slab in the middle of BBQ country.
I mean the 'guys" are always looking for OUT n,few add-ons to make your cooking experience better & better.
There IS a waiting list, etc. But in the end, it's so worth it !!!!!!!!

Enjoy, Mikkey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
Hey Mikey, great looking smoker you've got there but I'm curious about what ya got there in the garage.
Not as cool as a football game, tropical vacation, new truck, or whatever...but I thought this was an good way to start Sunday off.
