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Show us what you see!!!

Mine too :) I have been looking at them for years. Hated not buying new, but I am not sold on the new "look"
I'm generally a GM guy, but I like the looks of the Fords. I even like the new one -- except for the grill. The rest is fine. I like the old front much better.
I'm generally a GM guy, but I like the looks of the Fords. I even like the new one -- except for the grill. The rest is fine. I like the old front much better.

My exact thought and reason for not buying new, I don't like the new grill LOL. I agrees, rest is fine.
image.jpeg image.jpeg A little lake time today. Highs were in the low 60's which was enough to keep every other pleasure boater off the lake. Just a few bass boats and LOTS of perfectly flat water everywhere.
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@JetPowered are y'all on Lake LBJ? It looks like a nice place you have there.
image.jpeg Yes, on LBJ. This is not our place, just a rental, but a nice one we are sharing with another couple and their kids. The are two lifts, one for boat and one for skis and kayaks. Plus there is a shared pool and hot tub with a neighbors and two large pecan trees that have yielded enough nuts to fill a shopping bag!

It rained last night but was still again this morning. We have been out fishing off the boat all morning with lots a happy little kiddos.
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I'm not looking forward to that mod! My new scupper has been on my workbench for over a year...
One of the MH53Es that I get to work with. I didn't see it or take the pic but it's the flight line outside my office window.

That's a fantastic shot!
Here's what it looks like out there in the daytime. This was Tuesday morning. Getting ready for a full day of flying.

Just got these Taylor Made Tuff End Inflatable Vinyl Boat Fender's in 8x27 for $15.00 each could not pass buying 4 since I have zero.
Looks like a Fiero kit car.

My coworker and I took a closer look at it during lunch, it is kit car but one of the better ones I've seen and it got right in with some of the other true exotics around here. I think the badges were real and if so they probably cost more than engine in the thing. One of the Things tat gave it away was the steel plate covering the rear hatch, that and the fact that the body kit was so beat up.

Here is a pic of another car that I see in the lot occasionally. I haven't gotten a pic of the new full Wing Mercedes but that one is no imi either. Kind of sucks seeing all these nice cars since I know I won't be owning one, anytime soon anyway.