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Show us what you see!!!

@BigN8 , congratulations to you and your wife. Based on her smile it looks like she did'nt just win the fight, she kicked its ass and I'd bet with lots of support from you.
My wife and I had a chance to fly in a Goodyear Blimp today. Loved it ;)




general on my job site wanted the rain water from the roof drains routed away from the building. Why, I don't know. The whole building is getting rained on so what difference does it make. Their idea was to have the roof drain thru a water hose. I had to wade thru 3' of water on the roof to pull the plugs on the overflow roof drains so the damn roof didn't collapse from the weight of the water building up!imagejpeg_0.jpg imagejpeg_0.jpg FullSizeRender.jpg imagejpeg_0.jpg FullSizeRender.jpg
Roughing it in the Turks.....

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This is what he did when I tried to get the jar from him!image.jpeg
Took my dog on a hike through the Shenandoah National Forest today...

There was actually three bears in the tree, a mama bear and two cubs above her...


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Last Saturday. 12 miles offshore training Navy sailors to run our helicopter towed sonar system. We train on a boat because it's 5K a day and a helo is 15K an hour.


This was sunrise. Seas built to 6 foot by noon...we came back about 1
@Big Shasta - KILLER photo. Thanks - Love it.
Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
I'm at work yesterday and I had to drive down to the dock to meet the boat and give them a part so they could go right back out. As I'm waiting a co-worker drives up in a golf cart and says "what's hanging under your truck?"

A F'N RAT. I opened the hood to see if I could see it from the top....It smelled so bad I couldn't even look for it. Obviously been there for a day or so. It's been in the mid to upper 80's here so it could have been just a day.

The boat pulls up and I said I have 200.00 in my wallet, who's getting that out. Got the bidding down to 10.00 One of the young deckhands said he would do it. I made sure that he knew if it ripped in half pulling in it, he had to get the rest also.

I gave him 20.00 but he admitted it wasn't worth it.




The skin on the tail started sloughing off when he was working it out.....and the skin on it's side ripped off as he pulled.

Best 20.00 I ever spent. Maybe it's time to get an outdoor cat.

Check for any signs of wiring that was chewed, don't see any. Everything works normal. Maybe I dodged a bullet.
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I'm at work yesterday and I had to drive down to the dock to meet the boat and give them a part so they could go right back out. As I'm waiting a co-worker drives up in a golf cart and says "what's hanging under your truck?"

A RAT. I opened the hood to see if I could see it from the top....It smelled so bad I couldn't even look for it. Obviously been there for a day or so. It's been in the mid to upper 80's here so it could have been just a day.

The boat pulls up and I said I have 200.00 in my wallet, who's getting that out. Got the bidding down to 10.00 One of the young deckhands said he would do it. I made sure that he knew if it ripped in half pulling in it, he had to get the rest also.

I gave him 20.00 but he admitted it wasn't worth it.




The skin on the tail started sloughing off when he was working it out.....and the skin on it's side ripped off as he pulled.

Best 20.00 I ever spent. Maybe it's time to get an outdoor cat.

Check for any signs of wiring that was chewed, don't see any. Everything works normal. Maybe I dodged a bullet.
Well.... there's your problem!!
I'm at work yesterday and I had to drive down to the dock to meet the boat and give them a part so they could go right back out. As I'm waiting a co-worker drives up in a golf cart and says "what's hanging under your truck?"

A RAT. I opened the hood to see if I could see it from the top....It smelled so bad I couldn't even look for it. Obviously been there for a day or so. It's been in the mid to upper 80's here so it could have been just a day.

The boat pulls up and I said I have 200.00 in my wallet, who's getting that out. Got the bidding down to 10.00 One of the young deckhands said he would do it. I made sure that he knew if it ripped in half pulling in it, he had to get the rest also.

I gave him 20.00 but he admitted it wasn't worth it.




The skin on the tail started sloughing off when he was working it out.....and the skin on it's side ripped off as he pulled.

Best 20.00 I ever spent. Maybe it's time to get an outdoor cat.

Check for any signs of wiring that was chewed, don't see any. Everything works normal. Maybe I dodged a bullet.
All of you pics shows up like this to me:-/.....