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Show us what you see!!!

Not related to boating at all but here is a pic of the iFly (indoor sky diving) building here in the SF Bay Area. When it opened around 5 years ago it was one of only 4 or 5 in the nation. at $50 for the first two minutes and $30 for the next two minutes (cheaper if you buy a package deal) it's not something I could afford to do regularly.

Here is something I don't see everyday, a sink hole, this one is in front of the street entrance to my son's middle school. it jacked up traffic after school today and the district just told us repairs won't be complete until this coming Monday at the earliest.

Here is something I don't see everyday, a sink hole, this one is in front of the street entrance to my son's middle school. it jacked up traffic after school today and the district just told us repairs won't be complete until this coming Monday at the earliest.

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OMG!! It's true! Cally-forn-I-a IS going to break off and slide into the Pacific. Quick, get your boat and get the hell outta there.
Here is something I don't see everyday, a sink hole, this one is in front of the street entrance to my son's middle school. it jacked up traffic after school today and the district just told us repairs won't be complete until this coming Monday at the earliest.

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Yikes...Luckily there isn't a bus in the hole.
It made the local news last night, they showed pics of it getting much bigger though out the day, before the water that created it (broken water main) rose to the level of the street making it look like a black bottom pool.
Out with the old and in with the new! I have driven my 2001 IS300 for 12 years now. What a great car. Just rolled 200k miles.

I have been searching since March for a 3rd gen IS and finally found one. Flew out to white plains NY yesterday afternoon and made the 12 hour drive home arriving at 6 am this morning just in time to wish my wife happy 10 year anniversary while she was getting ready for work.

This is what I see! A lot of hard work paid off.


I was the same boat. I sold my 03 Is 300 5sp back in 2014 and picked up a Ultra White Fsport 350 AWD. I do miss my old Is but enjoy the new as well.

Out with the old and in with the new! I have driven my 2001 IS300 for 12 years now. What a great car. Just rolled 200k miles.

I have been searching since March for a 3rd gen IS and finally found one. Flew out to white plains NY yesterday afternoon and made the 12 hour drive home arriving at 6 am this morning just in time to wish my wife happy 10 year anniversary while she was getting ready for work.

This is what I see! A lot of hard work paid off.

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@Ronnie glad to hear the hospital visit turned out ok,

Be careful with that sink hole it may be the Kentucky variety and be looking to eat your vette,
@GiddYupJoe That reminds me of the recent Boobaru (Subaru) commercial where the parents get the new car and pass the old one down to the child. I have always liked a Lexus...great cars.
I was the same boat. I sold my 03 Is 300 5sp back in 2014 and picked up a Ultra White Fsport 350 AWD. I do miss my old Is but enjoy the new as well.
I have never had the bells and whistles like this thing has! Incredible.

@GiddYupJoe That reminds me of the recent Boobaru (Subaru) commercial where the parents get the new car and pass the old one down to the child. I have always liked a Lexus...great cars.

I plan on driving this one for a solid 10 years and then give it to my oldest as he will just be on the cusp of 16 by then. At least that's how I sold it to the wife! Thinking ahead. :winkingthumbsup"
10th anniversary. Riverboat cruise down the Ohio.

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How did you like the B&B cruise?

We had our 10 yr anniversary last night. I brought home pizza and then had to leave for a meeting from 7pm - 9pm which positively makes sure that I will not win the husband of the year award.
How did you like the B&B cruise?

We had our 10 yr anniversary last night. I brought home pizza and then had to leave for a meeting from 7pm - 9pm which positively makes sure that I will not win the husband of the year award.
I'm glad we went. BUT... I paid extra for a window seat, and then they never dimmed the lights! I was looking at myself the entire night through the window. The food was typical wedding food quality. They pack you in there so we got to know the people sitting next to us pretty well by the end of the night (not the kind of romantic I was envisioning). So, other than that, the end was great. Stood outside and watched the city skyline and the captain dock this huge boat like a boss!
Shrink wrapped the boat today.

The good - no holes, water tight for the off season
The bad - off season just beginning


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