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Show us what you see!!!

Gotta hand it to Rockford Fosgate. Bought two 500 watt class D mono amps and they come with a testing sheet:
On a side note, I need to find a way to downsize pictures on my phone...
Gotta hand it to Rockford Fosgate. Bought two 500 watt class D mono amps and they come with a testing sheet:
View attachment 30065
On a side note, I need to find a way to downsize pictures on my phone...

Try emailing the pics to yourself from your phone. Before you hit send you should be asked if you want to resize them. I learned this because the other site, the site that shall not be named/identified, had a 300 kb limit per pic.
Can't think of a better way to spend a fall Saturday morning.

Look at this Orb Weaver! That's my petite hand behind her to show how large she was. My little guy decided to throw her a piece of popcorn which she speedily untangled and threw back at him. Our jaws just dropped as she backed up to the Web center and just stared at us. (Probably uttering something at us in spider and throwing him the bird)
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Camping on the river below Broken Bow dam in Oklahoma. 1444516079834-1443488336.jpg
I just followed the pictured ambulance from my house to here. It looks like it is going to a long night.
Oh no!
Please tell more!
Oh no @Ronnie, hope things are improving. On my way to church, I'm praying that whatevers going on gets better.
Nope, you'd never be able to handle riding with me if I were driving it anyways, lol!
Looks like a small cat, but doesn't hardly have runners on the bottom. I'm guessing this is NOT for offshore racing, and more of a drag boat or something. Certainly would get bounced around too much on Lake Michigan, so I guess i'll go bigger....:thumbsup:View attachment 30064
Could it be like the boats they run down at Madison on the Ohio River?
Two more speakers and an amp just showed up to my door and got added to my collection....image.jpg
I just followed the pictured ambulance from my house to here. It looks like it is going to a long night.
View attachment 30075
Thanks for the kind words and prayers guys.

Here is what went down.

1. My sister in law (sil) was over on Saturday night.
2. At around 1a I hear her calling for my wife in "funny" voice.
3. My wife found my sil face down in the guest bathroom, lethargic and complaining about chest pains (sil is almost/only 50, does not do drugs, drink alcohol or smoke anything, also doesn't work up out enough or eat nutritiously IMHO).
4. I called 911 immediately, 3 firemen in a ladder truck lights flashing show up in less than 5 minutes. True to form, my son who passed out on the couch slept through the whole thing.
5. An ambulance shows up 10 minutes after the fireman who are all crowded in the bathroom running tests on my sil. They put her in the ambulance via a gurney immediately.
6. My wife and I followed the ambulance to the hospital where they ran tests in my sil before knocking her out and telling us to go home, this was around 3a.
7. The next morning we are told the tests are in conclusive so she stayed in the hospital another day/night while they ran more tests.
8. Md said it was not a heart attack or stroke but that she is a prime candidate for one or the other so start eating right and working out ASAP.

My wife and I got the message loud and clear being in our mid 40s (not much younger than my sil) and resumed our workout and diet routines before my sil was discharged yesterday. My son said this out loud, "I'm sorry this happened but I'm glad it wasn't mom instead."

Again, thanks for the kind words and prayers, it's been a long time since I have had to make a run to the emergency room but one thing that never seems to change is that the trip always sucks.
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Glad to hear everything worked out Ronnie. Those hospital visits are truly a wake up call to all parties involved... I have been woken up myself years ago.
I didn't want to hit the like button due to the nature of all that but I am very glad that things are improving!
Glad to hear that your sil is doing better @Ronnie