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Spent a beautiful Saturday morning and afternoon calling flag football games for Special Olympics! These kids and their coaches are amazing. Best part of my day was watching the little girl with the pony tail in front of me run for a 30 yard touchdown!!
@BigN8 that's awesome! All I've been staring at for the last 6 weeks is RAIN! !!!!
Yes. Its sold as a kit that the builder bought and put together
Spent a beautiful Saturday morning and afternoon calling flag football games for Special Olympics! These kids and their coaches are amazing. Best part of my day was watching the little girl with the pony tail in front of me run for a 30 yard touchdown!!
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@BigN8 fantastic! I ref basketball every year in the Special Olympics. Those two days are the best two days of the season!
Spent the weekend on Orcas Island in the San Juan Islands (didn't take the boat):

View from our condo:20151003_140702.jpeg


From the ferry boat:

From the ferry terminal on Orcas Island:

Had to get a selfie in, I'm the one on the left:

Saw this sitting in the parking lot at work today. The closest plane was Northrop-Grumman's attempt at what is now the F-22.

Saw this sitting in the parking lot at work today. The closest plane was Northrop-Grumman's attempt at what is now the F-22.

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The YF-23?!?

I loved the look of that aircraft, was rooting for it to win the competition, back in the day.

Is that a static mockup or an actual flying prototype?
The YF-23?!?

I loved the look of that aircraft, was rooting for it to win the competition, back in the day.

Is that a static mockup or an actual flying prototype?
That is the one. I can't say for certain if it is the static or not, but it hangs out in the Prototype Hanger on base. They are moving all the presidential planes and prototypes over to the new hanger off base at the AF museum. Hopefully I get to see the YF-12 (SR-71 prototype) hanging out in my parking lot! That would be a sight.
That is the one. I can't say for certain if it is the static or not, but it hangs out in the Prototype Hanger on base. They are moving all the presidential planes and prototypes over to the new hanger off base at the AF museum. Hopefully I get to see the YF-12 (SR-71 prototype) hanging out in my parking lot! That would be a sight.
There is a SR-71 in a hanger museum next to the USS Alabama in Mobile. It is a very impressive aircraft to see up close in person. We stopped one year to tour the battleship on the way to Florida and we walked into the museum to see a few old Navy planes and there it was front and center. It was pretty cool!
There is a SR-71 in a hanger museum next to the USS Alabama in Mobile. It is a very impressive aircraft to see up close in person. We stopped one year to tour the battleship on the way to Florida and we walked into the museum to see a few old Navy planes and there it was front and center. It was pretty cool!

That is the one. I can't say for certain if it is the static or not, but it hangs out in the Prototype Hanger on base. They are moving all the presidential planes and prototypes over to the new hanger off base at the AF museum. Hopefully I get to see the YF-12 (SR-71 prototype) hanging out in my parking lot! That would be a sight.

U.S. Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson has maybe the finest collection anywhere.
My personal favorite is the XB-70 Valkyrie
10th anniversary. Riverboat cruise down the Ohio.

My son's school's 8th grade class had a college research project which concluded in a big presentation of their findings. Here are the specs for Harvard, Stanford costs about the same (this is per year). Fortunately (?) he only wants to go to the University of Oregon right now, which is just $32k per year. I left that presentation with a headache thinking forget about buying a tesla, new boat or anything big for the next 8 years.

When the sun comes up today I'm going to call my mother to thank her for my education, well the undergrad degree anyway. If she is not busy I may take her on a mini shopping spree.

For all the members that have already dealt with this I salute you. For those that haven't but will I recommend that you prepare yourselves emotionally and financially. We have been saving since he was born but not at the rate that costs have gone up, now (seemingly all of a sudden) he is 12 and I only have 4 years left to prepare, where did the time go?

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On a lighter note, I saw this at work the other day and didn't know until I saw it that they were available. In a land of Teslas and Leafs this electric car really sticks out.
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I saw this on the road when I visited lake Shasta a few weeks ago. I will never complain about what I have to go through to get my boat to the water again. If I ever had a friend that wanted me to be on his crew for a boat like this I'd have to decline, looks like a single seater too me.

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Nope, you'd never be able to handle riding with me if I were driving it anyways, lol!
Looks like a small cat, but doesn't hardly have runners on the bottom. I'm guessing this is NOT for offshore racing, and more of a drag boat or something. Certainly would get bounced around too much on Lake Michigan, so I guess i'll go bigger....:thumbsup:Geico.jpg