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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

EXACTLY....no suspension/steering, transmission or engine....Finally a dodge with no issues.

Well, there is still the body rust issue; on the other hand, road salt exposure should be minimal.
Also posted in the guns topic, but not all people might look there. watermelon hit with my 50 Beowulf. 335gr JHP.


This shows how far away the melon was. Right before that target you see straight ahead. About 100ft. Chunks of melon were landing on the roof above us.


how did the camera fare?
I coach both of my son's football teams. I have a PreK/Kindergarten team of 4-6 year olds and a First/Second grade team. My eldest, Blake, is in the glasses in the first pic and my youngest, Jake, is also in glasses (thanks to their mother) on the left side of the second pic. I also coach both baseball and basketball teams. Blake Football.JPG Jake Football.JPG
Saw this on the lake this past weekend...speechless

View attachment 29469
I can see it now.

Redneck #1 "That truck run?" Takes a big gulp off his PBR.
Redneck #2 "Nah" Grabs another beer.
Redneck #1 "What's wrong with that boat?" Another gulp.
Redneck #2 "Decks rotten" Big sip off beer
Redneck #1 Finishes beer and crushes can "Grab your tools, I've got an idea!"
Does anybody have a guess what this trailer would be used for? I've never seen one like it before.

This little guy has made a stinking mess of our crawl space! Got in when one of the construction workers running wires for our kitchen work bumped out a vent allowing him space to get in.... (guess what I get to do this weekend????)
This little guy has made a stinking mess of our crawl space! Got in when one of the construction workers running wires for our kitchen work bumped out a vent allowing him space to get in.... (guess what I get to do this weekend????)
View attachment 29493

Anyone else have to maintain Windows Certifications for their job? Ugh, this CBT is brutal.

course pic.JPG
It looks like a opossum @Britboater . They're mean little critters if cornered and can really tare up stuff.
Do they really need to use these type of pictures when they are throwing around the word "mount"

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Pretty robust little guys too, just read up on them, restitant to snake venom and play dead, cool.
Yup is is a possum....has torn down a bunch of insulation, but more unpleasant is he's peed and pooped all over the place and it is nearly unbearable down there! It's a small one, and they do indeed play dead. Had one on the deck a few months ago and I pushed him off the deck with a brook while he played dead! Played dead all the way down the stairs.....bonk....bonk....bonk...bonk....bonk....THUNK....then laid there! After a while, got up and waddled up. This is perhaps his payback for pushing him down the stairs!!!! LOL
Yup is is a possum....has torn down a bunch of insulation, but more unpleasant is he's peed and pooped all over the place and it is nearly unbearable down there! It's a small one, and they do indeed play dead. Had one on the deck a few months ago and I pushed him off the deck with a brook while he played dead! Played dead all the way down the stairs.....bonk....bonk....bonk...bonk....bonk....THUNK....then laid there! After a while, got up and waddled up. This is perhaps his payback for pushing him down the stairs!!!! LOL

Our boxer Laila was dying to go out early one morning (about 4:30 ..pitch black out) and I let her out and happened to walk out with her. She BOLTED off the patio to the back corner of the yard and was TEARING SOMETHING UP....I mean she was ripping something to shreds....I bolted across the yard screaming her name and hoping I didn't step in dog crap and unsure what I was going to do when I did get there since it was pitch black out. She stopped when I got about 5 feet away and just walked off like nothing happened. So I go in the house and find a flashlight and sandals and go back out....there was a possum laying there dead as anything.

I go find a shovel and a garbage bag and go to get it....GONE....Damn little thing was fakin it.

week or so later, she brought it into the florida room and dropped it by the door...Super dead for real this time....Laila 1 - Possum 0.
