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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

1/2" holes 3" apart.
still want to smooth the edge of each hole.
4 done but need to attach tower to know where to put front exactly. I am gone before daylight and home after it so a little scary drilling! Tonight I hope to install my reinforcement pieces. Going to use the mounts to pinch them in place so really by tomorrow I can install the tower main piece.
Awesome! I bet it will look good on your SS with the low profile windshield!
New bunk carpet. $12 a roll. Guess what I get to do within the next week.
Since I am not done with the tower install and rain is almost here, I did what I could!
Same here! At the local ice cream place on the lake.
Thanks for the bday wishes guys. I went window shopping at my local yamaha dealer a few days ago (my "birth month" is not over yet) but only ended up buying Yamalube after being sticker shocked at what pwcs cost these days. Here is what I found at both ends of the spectrum.
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My boy and his fellow black belt recipients during yesterday's belt promotion ceremony.

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