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Happy Labor Day!!!
Look what I found at the SC lake Thurmond welcome center!

Peace and quiet was something that we didn't have this weekend. It was stereo wars with the cruiser crowd instead.
Peace and quiet was something that we didn't have this weekend. It was stereo wars with the cruiser crowd instead.
But it was still fun!
Peace and quiet was something that we didn't have this weekend. It was stereo wars with the cruiser crowd instead.
Still beats a good day at home with the in laws and no boat....(my "holiday")
Not at all, thats why I'm hooked. I think it may be down the the Robinson, it's basically a piston engine with very simple avionics. Flying protocol might be my downfall though :(.
Did you get to take off and hover? That seems like it would be a delicate balance.

Those Robinsons are awesome simple aircraft. I wish I could buy one.....Wife says I'm too accident prone to fly...LOL. But one day....mark my words....ONE DAY, I'll get my pilots license for fixed wing.

I'd settle for a powered parachute too....They seem relatively "safe"
4 hours to go for 6S preorder..... Time to upgrade from my 2yesr old 5.
Beer can chicken!

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My second daughter's first football game last night. They won 35-0. Nice start to the season.

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image.jpg In line trying to buy ice and drinks before hitting the lake. Looks like somebody needs to follow the rule "never trust a fart" nasty!!
I had 2 blowouts on this side coming home from the lake on Monday. I'm gonna try and straghten the edge of the fender a little while i have the tire off. I've got 4 new tires on order for this week.14421708148341313484134.jpg 1442171047611-1255426090.jpgThe entire trailer is on blocks for the week. Once the tires are done I will then get to replace all my bunk boards along with new bunk carpet and hardware.