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Woke up to this. Large limb from one of my pecan trees snapped and was blocking half of the road. I was able to trim enough of the smaller limbs with a cordless sawzall to clear the road before the tree guy showed up. Not an ideal way to start the day but at least it happened before I head out of town for the weekend.

Do any of you follow Pittsburg Dad? He has a YouTube channel. Dude is hilarious, I first thought that was him in the above video.
I do now....That's funny stuff. He's definitely a PA lifer...That accent is legit!
Can you collect pecans from it? Or is it a non nut bearing tree... that thing is massive.
Can you collect pecans from it? Or is it a non nut bearing tree... that thing is massive.

Yes, we get a ton of pecans from it. I actually have four this size in my yard that all produce. My neighborhood is built in an old pecan grove.
And they built some incredible houses in that old pecan grove!

Quick stop at Walmart for a few buckets and we're off.... wait a minute. When do you harvest these things, I forgot to ask....

We are invited to come nut picking right?

Quick stop at Walmart for a few buckets and we're off.... wait a minute. When do you harvest these things, I forgot to ask....

We are invited to come nut picking right?

You are absolutely welcome to come get as many as you want. Please do! I would guess we gave away close to 100# of them last year. They tend to start dropping in September and continue through late November- early December. Bring your Nut Weasel! (Google it if you don't know what it is)
I have 2 nut weasels! A 5 and a 6 year old. I'll bring the beer of your choosing and we'll watch them clean up your yard!
Also posted in the guns topic, but not all people might look there. watermelon hit with my 50 Beowulf. 335gr JHP.


This shows how far away the melon was. Right before that target you see straight ahead. About 100ft. Chunks of melon were landing on the roof above us.


Had to keep my toe on the anchor so we wouldn't float away.

Had to keep my toe on the anchor so we wouldn't float away.
Nice...But Ugh, Mainstream beer.....(I'm such a beer snob)

Just ordered a cream ale brewing kit (20% off for labor day...booya). My Ginger snap saison is almost done in the fermenter. Hitting the keg Monday.
I'm the opposite. Im barely a beer drinker, but I'll try any beer. Just went to a large brew fest 2 weeks ago, probably sampled 30 beers, ate about 4 brats and had enough sauerkraut that my wife steered clear of me for 3 days...
Spotted in parking lot at a local Menard's this weekend, a rather unique receiver cover:

LOL...Yeah, a Claymore anti personnel mine.
Ouch! That would hurt rear ending that guy!

Hmmm... That didn't sound good.