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Smokey Mtn Resort and Spa Gatlinburg TN for the boys birthday weekend.




Actually it was a full house. There was some large car show going on in Pigeon Forge which isn't far we were told. We just got their when they opened the doors and I snapped some pictures. Great place, Id like to go back wintertime.
Do you guys use federation rules or NCAA?

We are a Fed State with some mechanics modifications and a State dictated mercy rule. You guys?

Edit: Just checked your profile and see TX so you are NCAA, right?
We are a Fed State with some mechanics modifications and a State dictated mercy rule. You guys?

Edit: Just checked your profile and see TX so you are NCAA, right?
Yes, we go by NCAA with a few UIL exceptions.
Which position(s) do you officiate? I work every position except umpire.
I'm an Umpire. I do a lot of Head Linesman as well but my go to spot is Umpire.
What is A.D.M?
The dealership told me the definition once but I've since forgotten the exact wording. Simply put adm is a bundle of fees such as shipping, setup, etc. (taxes are excluded).

I'm still blown away by what the old financed cost in the spark 2up is before taxes but including adm . $140 x 12 months = $1,680 per year, $1,680 x 84 months (7 years) $11,260 ouch).
The dealership told me the definition once but I've since forgotten the exact wording. Simply put adm is a bundle of fees such as shipping, setup, etc. (taxes are excluded).

More often then not (when talking toys/cars etc.) "ADM" stands for "administrative fees" like mentioned above or "Additional Dealer Mark-up". Both charges are typically bs and can be identified as "play money" for the dealers. You should pay for the item, tax, and registration. Negotiate all else out. Shipping fees should be on the window sticker and not added on top of the price of the item you're purchasing.

I understand "additional dealer mark-ups" are used when you have crazy folk that just have to be the first on the block to have something that everyone else wants, and at the end of the day, dealerships are businesses and not a charity. (example: Try to order a 2016 GT350 right now at a ford dealer for MSRP. It's doable, but tough.)

Administration Fees or doc fee: Normally anywhere from $50-$250 and it's an unnecessary expenditure that you're paying for someone (who is already on the payroll) to fill out some paperwork.
More often then not (when talking toys/cars etc.) "ADM" stands for "administrative fees" like mentioned above or "Additional Dealer Mark-up". Both charges are typically bs and can be identified as "play money" for the dealers. You should pay for the item, tax, and registration. Negotiate all else out. Shipping fees should be on the window sticker and not added on top of the price of the item you're purchasing.

I understand "additional dealer mark-ups" are used when you have crazy folk that just have to be the first on the block to have something that everyone else wants, and at the end of the day, dealerships are businesses and not a charity. (example: Try to order a 2016 GT350 right now at a ford dealer for MSRP. It's doable, but tough.)

Administration Fees or doc fee: Normally anywhere from $50-$250 and it's an unnecessary expenditure that you're paying for someone (who is already on the payroll) to fill out some paperwork.
Good Lord man....It added 50% to the cost of that spark 2up. That's insane.
Emma, Gavin and a neighbor showing off the first ripe cantaloupe from the plant that Gavin planted. It was a late producer as Gavin saved the seed from a store bought cantaloupe that he enjoyed and planted them in late July or early August.

IMG_2014 (1).jpg
Please, please, please don't make this thread into one of those Ford vs. Chevy arguments.

Would've been better if it was Ram 1500 chassis. :winkingthumbsup"
Would've been better if it was Ram 1500 chassis. :winkingthumbsup"
EXACTLY....no suspension/steering, transmission or engine....Finally a dodge with no issues.