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Rotten wood in the fuel hatch.
I love these kinds of projects.


damn dude, that's a good project !.....but we have different ideas of "love" . @Speedling boat?...a 2008. what made this go south so soon. I have a '09 and cant imagine anything like this is going on,
damn dude, that's a good project !.....but we have different ideas of "love" . @Speedling boat?...a 2008. what made this go south so soon. I have a '09 and cant imagine anything like this is going on,
Bad seal around the table mount. I would highly recommend recaulking it if you can. We noticed when we bought the boat that it was just a little soft and it keeps getting worse. Luckily i need like a 2'x2' piece of marine ply and thats it. The bolt holes around the sides are marine ply and they are fine! This stuff in the middle is just junk. I plan on sealing everything up good with fiberglass and it should be fine again. I will probably overdrill the bold holes slightly and coat with epoxy on the underside.
The wood was all wet even as i was taking it out even though this thing hasn't seen water since last fall! Dry storage indoors and it still got wetness. It got in by table mount then ran down to the sides (seeped?) And got the sides for a good 4" all rotted. I took out a good bit extra to be sure it was all gone.
@justason I also had rot on my cleanout cover hatch due to bad seals around the t-handle latches, I think this is probably a lot more common problem and people just don't know it.
You guys are making me nervous with your talk.
You guys are making me nervous with your talk.
Go walk on your hatch. How does it feel?
Mine got progressively worse year after year. If it is solid i would definitely caulk around the table base as a caution.
My flooring is soft! Having someone look at it when I get the boat back from winter storage...after all I'm no @CrankyGypsy !!!!
My flooring is soft! Having someone look at it when I get the boat back from winter storage...after all I'm no @CrankyGypsy !!!!

as much as i hate to hear it, i would love to know a price quote to see how much money i saved
...oh god, i hope i saved some money! maybe i don't wanna know.
Oh Balls. Now I gotta make sure everything is sealed properly....
Now I just need a 90 degree weather day to slap this on!

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Saw this on the way into work this morning. I don't get it, is it a modern day pick up line? That is meant to be broadcast to everyone (men or women) driving behind this person?
I've never used it but if I were to I would be a lot more selective about who I would say it to and certainly would not put it in writing. I assume he or she doesn't work with me, it's not something i would recommend be placed on a daily commute vehicle anyway. Can't imagine hr would be ok with employees looking out there office windows at that.
Here's something you don't see every day.
Sucker went past me at a good clip. Had to work traffic to catch it. IMG_5354.PNGIMG_5355.PNG
Wakemakers custom ballast project is in full swing!

I guess four of those should help generate a pretty decent wave :D
(I mean bags)

