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that is AWESOME !! nice enclosure....... 40 ftr is prime and ready for THE GREAT LOOP !!!
Thanks! The encloser is in great shape, but we're getting ready to change it a little. We're adding a bimini to the rear of the arch and having eisenglass walls made to close it in. Doing this will give us another room in the boat in the winter along with better visibility while driving. Then in the summer the additional bimini will give us the much wanted shade.

Doing the Loop is certainly on my dream list. I'll have to get my co-captain and CFO on board first.
A couple pics from my "office" about two weeks ago. IMG_0707.JPGIMG_0706.JPG
Holy smokes....stay safe brother! Did you make out OK?
Wow. Hope your family's safe. That fire was insane.
I should've explained that my "office" for those few days was the fire engine. We've been pretty busy here in Southern California this past month. That morning we were moving from neighborhood to neighborhood on the Creek fire.
Black Creek in Jax,FL yesterday. Looks like we will be riding this weekend with temps in the low 80s.


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My first boat related purchase this off season.
Just in case i need it to cut a tow line off the shaft ($15 for the knife and blades).

A cake my wife made for a relative who recently graduated with a degree in nursing.
Everything on it is hand made and edible.
Dolphin gathering the other day outside the west jetty in Destin (Gulf of Mexico)

Pic of a new ad for a father son project boat im considering. Running these things still sell for about $5k. The seller claims it ran fine last year but is running rough/slow now.
At $700 - what do you have to lose?
@Ronnie you have spent more on less!!
Right after i posted about this my kid sent me a text shooting the idea down. I should have known better as he rejected the idea of rebuilding a jetski with me earlier this month, now he is turning down what could have been his first boat. Im not sure where i went wrong raising him but im sure i went wrong somewhere along the way. I bet he would be real interested if i pitched rebuilding his great uncles 69 camero to him maybe a will pitch it with an early model vw bug instead.
Right after i posted about this my kid sent me a text shooting the idea down. I should have known better as he rejected the idea of rebuilding a jetski with me earlier this month, now he is turning down what could have been his first boat. Im not sure where i went wrong raising him but im sure i went wrong somewhere along the way. I bet he would be real interested if i pitched rebuilding his great uncles 69 camero to him maybe a will pitch it with an early model vw bug
Well what is he into? How old is he?
Shopping for my brother now and am thinking about buying he and I a certificate to drive one or two of these.
But I have a call into the seller for the boat, if it’s not sold I may buy it as my own project especially if it has the 800 / 787 cc 110 hp motors (In retroSpect F my son, not kidding). maybe I can buy it for my brother and I to work on but him to own / keep at his house after we make it right. Here is another ad for the same boat with more pics.
If engines have compression intact, it's likely a carb issue. It's always a carb issue with those boats (Don't ask how I know!) BN40-38I for $199 can be found online if it's the one carb model. Cheaper to buy than rebuild for me in my old boat. Othewise a ton of fun. We kept it 14 years. If you can find the 18ft it's much more spacious and they are usually equally cheap.
Cakes I made for a friend, all edible...
Tell us some more about they are made.