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Wow, Alabama, really. Is that enough to make it a "snow day" day off? That is more snow than i have in northern Vermont.
View attachment 66619
Good thing for you is it will not last til April.

Those pics were from earlier but we have about 4" now at my house. Crazy :D!! Yes we're all off today and schools closed. :winkingthumbsup"

32 folks for dinner sat night for my sons graduation. We’re stocked and ready!
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Those pics were from earlier but we have about 4" now at my house. Crazy :D!! Yes we're all off today and schools closed. :winkingthumbsup"

I'll take all of it up here in MN! I might be in the minority, but I feel like we could use a bit more for this time of year... ;)
DUDE!....... That sucker has got to be more than 300-400 lbs! I shoot 100-150 lb pigs all the time and they are tiny...tiny compared to that musky beast you have.
We used a winch. The consensus between the 4 of us was 300 to 400. Of course it could have been more. We have some monsters out there. Not going this weekend though. Gonna be to warm to bow hunt in the 60s. We do some night time hog hunts while deer hunting.
Have any of you guys ever had an encounter with a muskrat, either on land or on the water? Had my first one today. I went into one of my pastures and thought i saw a small woodchuck, so i approached. As i got to within 20 feet, it did not run away, but came running at me. I said to myself WTF. And then it jumped, waist high, missing me. I backed off but it kept comming. After a couple more jumps, it's head found it's way under the heal of my boot. Came home to google it. These things are aggressive. Attacking boaters and tubers. Watch out for muskrats!
20171210_141522.jpgThey will climb up outboards and lower units to enter boats.
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Saw this at the hobby store yesterday and almost bought it as an xmas gift to myself, even has adjustable trim and its self righting.
I saw this today and and leaning towards the latter for the same price.

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My son ran in a fun run 5k sponsored by a local amusement park and is glad he did. Originally he was just in it for the park rides. It was the first such run at the park and he came in 1st overall so now technically he owns the course record.
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Oops, I forgot to add the most important pic (to my son anyway)
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Flying from Haiti to Miami. Snapped this as we were descending to Miami and landed 30-40 minutes later. Are these Bahamas outer islands or something closer to Keys ? Would love to visit by boat.

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The first picture upper left almost looks like Williams Island in Bahamas, it would almost be a straight line from Haiti to Miami,

Google maps is GREAT!
Was visiting my St. Louis office this week and decided to go to a hockey game as they were playing my Lightning. Great game (Lightning won), nice arena, awesome seats with a private table overlooking to ice and great food from the buffet. The Blues do it up right for hockey.

New necktie
Earlier today out for a cruise to see our friends @farrelltravis and his family at another marina on Lake Texoma.20171216_161745.jpg20171216_161812.jpg
We were on plane in our new to us 40 footer! We were able to do more then 20 knots and was turning 3200 rpm on the big twin 454's. Wide open throttles is around 4200 to give you perspective.
Earlier today out for a cruise to see our friends @farrelltravis and his family at another marina on Lake Texoma.View attachment 66820View attachment 66821
We were on plane in our new to us 40 footer! We were able to do more then 20 knots and was turning 3200 rpm on the big twin 454's. Wide open throttles is around 4200 to give you perspective.
that is AWESOME !! nice enclosure....... 40 ftr is prime and ready for THE GREAT LOOP !!!
Earlier today out for a cruise to see our friends @farrelltravis and his family at another marina on Lake Texoma.View attachment 66820View attachment 66821
We were on plane in our new to us 40 footer! We were able to do more then 20 knots and was turning 3200 rpm on the big twin 454's. Wide open throttles is around 4200 to give you perspective.
It was great to see you guys! What a great looking Express! So glad you guys are back on the water after the fire! We need to get big T man out there catching some striper with N man. Here's a picture I took from our Marina.
Since the weather changed and my boat is tucked away for a winter nap I had to get something else to do. I always wanted to have a project car with my son...finally pulled the trigger. He loves Japanese cars so rather than get my dream 60's muscle car I compromised and we picked up 1990 Miata. Only 47k original miles and no rust, should be a good and inexpensive platform to teach him some car maintenance basics and to customize to our liking. So far we have hit the low hanging fruit and upgraded the stereo system, lighting and some interior bits. Now it is time to get it up on jackstands to really get our hands dirty and make our knuckles bleed with brake and suspension upgrades. If all goes to plan we will have a styling ride to get to the boat dock next summer!
