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Show us what you see!!!

What are are you in these days?

How do you, never mind, i found the sign.
I hadn’t heard of the tree hugger until I saw the sign but of the three it would be the last method I would go with. Could get splinters in the hands and arms. All of the options make the porta potties look a lot better economically.


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Not a bad Monday! Finally back on the ski and using her. It’s been a while 389FCB1C-F7AD-482A-9974-DF7293F95708.jpeg 6B66845D-D752-44B3-9C59-D55A3204FF13.jpeg
Oil and gas protesters outside my office building trying to block the street. They were only out there in the cold for half an hour then they jumped on the 3 tour busses that they kept running and went to the next building.20171120_093500.jpg
Oil and gas protesters outside my office building trying to block the street. They were only out there in the cold for half an hour then they jumped on the 3 tour busses that they kept running and went to the next building.View attachment 66179
Just long enough for the media opportunity.
Through passenger side... right after I cut at least 2 of their tires.

Keep swinging the door hard enough. Eventually the dent in the other guy's car will be deep enough that you can open your door far enough to squeeze in.
Out of a brine vat and into the oven!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!:)


Mmmm, that turkey is gonna be good. Happy Thanksgiving, hope you are all well.

On my walk in the Maple woods today, I installed saddles on the new mains to connect 5/16" laterals to the 1" mains. Drilled a hole in the main for the saddle 20171123_111514.jpg mounted the saddle to the main line and then secured with S.S. ties 20171123_112025.jpg then just connect the two fittings with tubing 20171123_112646.jpg 20171123_112737.jpg 20171123_112758.jpg done, now just repeat a couple hundred more times.
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Ahhhhh.....the sweet joy of working retail on Thanksgiving. Don't these kids have parents?!?!

Ahhhhh.....the sweet joy of working retail on Thanksgiving. Don't these kids have parents?!?!

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OMG!!! I would hang somebody!! Unfortunately the millennial’s think while in public they dont have to parent their children. Just let ‘em run wild!
My son opening his birthday gift from my wife and i, an iphone 8 plus.

A few pics of the gang planks i just got, it took less than 2 mins to inflate, thicker than i expected with zippers on the long edges and a tie down point / cleat unddr each corner.

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Finally put my spare tire cover on I bought from Andy a year ago?

Making food bank boxes that sit outside at all the local schools for kids that need food on the weekends or after school.

Bacon!! My favorite part of cooler weather. Homemade awesome Bacon!
Another day in my office, the great outdoors, as the weather cools up here, it is time to buck up and split firewood to heat the house and garage. I find it benificial to keep the wife warm.
20171201_124819.jpg 20171201_125147.jpg 20171201_125839.jpg20171123_141753.jpg 20171202_084619.jpg usually put up 12 cords to get thru a typical winter. There are plenty of damaged trees in my woods, just have to go out and get them. Having a 4300' very steep driveway makes it difficult to get fuel trucks up here during the winter months. We cook with propane but heat and hot water with wood. This outdoor boiler does it very well.
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My daughters first day on the trap field. Easily hit over 50% with a skeet choke.
We had been shooting skeet exclusively because we didn't know how to use the voice machines and not many people shoot trap at our club.

(I also changed the oil in the boat today and ran it for an hour on the lake to give my youngest daughter some wheel time but we've seen pictures of that before!)

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