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Show us what you see!!!

Picked these shirts up while I was there. TWD fans will understand :D





With my wife's crazy travel schedule I have become a (reluctant) mani-pedi specialist for my three daughters - I could open a salon, LOL :)

Getting ready for a high-school dance is a chore!


All worth it though...
3B2EC290-7C1F-42C9-BE31-B2380B2C156C.gif My wife. Not in slowmo. Real time. She’s ok. :facepalm:
Texoma morning
Ugh. First season with a lakehouse and dock. First time pulling her out today-

IMG_1997.JPG A bit late, but my boys on Halloween.
Well, how about: "Show us what you don't see!!!" ??

I don't see my favorite drill chuck key. Wasted two hours trying to find it over the weekend, then I bought a replacement... Which did not fit :banghead:. And then - I saw this!


I see 100.0 hours on my engines!

@swatski Nice job, it took the 2 previous owners of my boat 9 years to get there. I will have to run YDS again to see where we are at now.
I see a chilly lake I haven't been on since July... and won't be out on until May next year :arghh: :bawling: 20171006_072708.jpg
Not boating related but this past weekend i volunteered through my employer to help build a playground in a nearby city. I was late so got on the bark moving crew, probably the team with the most labor intensive job. I thought about leaving before the job started or crashing onto another team (like the structure assembly or painting team) but i made a commitment to help so i stayed. It was really cool being part of building something like this in a day. If something simillar comes up in the future i will definitely volunteer for it and try to get my wife and son to volunteer with me.

As i put on my work gloves a beautiful young lady came over and asked if i could be her partner for the day. Spending the time getting to know her made the task go a little bit faster. I forgot to mention, as it turns out she is about to graduate college and happens to be a bikini model, so i learned a little about the latter activity as well. Trivia: if you here of the Masters Class where bikini modeling is concerned (the Miss Olympia competition) it means that the participants are 35 or older (aka the senior class IMHO). This young lady i referenced was 22 or 23 at most. Also the difference in a runway model and bikini model is that runway models model clothes whereas bikini models are modeling their bodies.

Before i forget, i salute or resalute the inventor(s) of spandex.
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The Kidde thing is ironic since i have recently been hearing a lot of advertising for kidde'd home products on the radio.
I dont see the person who that I am
@justason Here are a few pics. to take aim at. All these were recently taken on my farm.1314.jpeg Black Bear. This 10 pt. buck showed him self last week to the game camera in an over grown apple orchard on my property.
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@justason Here are a few pics. to take aim at. All these were recently taken on my farm.View attachment 66075 Black Bear. This 10 pt. buck showed him self last week to the game camera in an over grown apple orchard on my property.
View attachment 66076 View attachment 66077 View attachment 66078

That is AWESOME! The bears are starting to move into this area. Havent seen one off camera yet. The deer population is hurting from the coyotes. Need to find a way to cull the packs!

I’m a NH native, love the woods ya’lls got up there and the deer! They’re basically rodents here!
Went to check out this 1999 Seadoo Gsxl. As advertized on craigslist for $600 two seater which has a 130 hp, 947 cc motor and a dry weight of a little over 500 lbs. unfortunately I couldn’t get it to start on its trailer and when I went to check the compression I found a rusty water and gas mixture in each cylinder. I checked the compression out of curiosity (150 and 130 psi, front and rear, respectively) before deciding not to buy it, just too much of a project for me.
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