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Without knowing the specs hard to tell but looks like a 260 Sundancer. You don't need a 3/4 or 1 ton to pull them.
I see fun with Maptuner X in my future :cool:

I hope RIVA's Jesus can do some magic on those N/A 1.8s, it is not going to be easy as I do not want to mess with anything beyond Stage 1, basically get some more power at low end and smooth out the low-end throttle curve.


Best part of the Maptuner X system: backup files.

I think that tow vehicle would be ok from the parking lot to the ramp and back, unless its a steep or slippery ramp.
311. Bogarts in cincy!

@bronze_10 does that work by sensing water, load on the impleller or does it just cycle on/off every few mins?
You plan on wiring it direct off the battery or using a switch with ignition? I need to make this one of my winter mods one year but never get around to it lol.
Thanks @swatski ! I always forget about the bookmark feature they added for us. Bookmarked your post for future reference when I get around to doing my secondary pump.
Trunk or treat in my church parking lot. The kids love it albeit got really cold all of a sudden here.
Tomorrow looks a little warmer, which is good. Because the river is calling...


The owner of this car outside of the grocery store looked at passersby like me and asked, "How am i supposed to get into my car?"

IMG_9911.JPG IMG_9910.JPG

He climbed in through the passenger side eventually. I stuck around to watch him, of course.
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The owner of this car outside of the grocery store looked at passersby like me and asked, "How am i supposed to get into my car?"

View attachment 65592 View attachment 65593

He climbed in through the passenger side eventually. I stucknariund to wstch him, of course.
Through passenger side... right after I cut at least 2 of their tires.
We’ll give this guy some time to thicken up a little!!
Can anyone guess where I'm at?





Here is what i saw when i got up on November 1st. A gas price/tax increase that elected officials voted for despite the fact that california drivers already pay alomst a dollar more per gallon than the rest of the nation and a lot of gas is refined here.
IMG_9915.JPG IMG_9916.JPG