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20171001_160331.jpg anyone guess what i am doing?
No....I was in the coatings industry for 10 years and this is a new one for me. My guess that you are converting it to a solid somehow so you can dispose of it legally.
Hint: no paint in the can except perhaps a little residual.


  • 20171002_174556.jpg
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Making charcoal?
Hardwood lump charcoal. I have oak, making some more of that then some hickory, and down the street is some apple trees that i will keep an eye on for wood.
Read about it and just thought it would be neat to try. Not sure how the oak will be flavor-wise. Might just use that for hot dogs and such.
Neat. So how much wood would a wood fire burn if a wood fire would make charcoal?
So how does the charcoal making process go? Burn some wood around and under a closed container full of wood and put out the fire or let the fire burn out after the wood in the can has been dehydrated? What's left is the charcoal, right? Call me a city slicker I guess, when I think of charcoal I envision BBQ briquettes and how happy you I was when they developed match light.
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A cool train trestle on lake Hartwell heading back to the ramp tonight. It gets very entertaining when a train crosses. The piers also look cool on the downscan sonar. You can see them extend well below the lake bottom.
I Saw this Full page scarab ad in a boating mag tonight and was surprised that the scarab open is not pictured or mentioned and that the main center console pictured has a Yamaha outboard on it.
I Saw this Full page scarab ad in a boating mag tonight and was surprised that the scarab open is not pictured or mentioned and that the main center console pictured has a Yamaha outboard on it.
View attachment 64884
Wellcraft is different than the scarab we know. That is scarab "offshore"
So how does the charcoal making process go? Burn some wood around and under a closed container full of wood and put out the fire or let the fire burn out after the wood in the can has been dehydrated? What's left is the charcoal, right? Call me a city slicker I guess, when I think of charcoal I envision BBQ briquettes and how happy you I was when they developed match light.
View attachment 64878

First, why hardwood charcoal?
You will find less ash, better flavor, and no chemicals. Easier to light, less cleanup. Sometimes you will see hardwood in a paper bag so u light the bag itself and it gets the charcoal going. From my understanding, egg users are much better off with hardwood charcoal.
You need to starve the wood of oxygen as it burns. Gets all impurity out and left with just carbon and perhaps just enough wood left in it to give a little flavor to the meat.
I use a paint can so i am not storing big stuff. I have seen it done with a 55 gallon drum but a lot of people use the bulk charcoal for other projects of various things unrelated to cooking. I guess willow charcoal is some art thing too.
I just poke a hole in the lid of the can and when the smoke/steam stops coming out it is time to pull it. I have a long metal rod with a hook. I wait for a while then pop open. The small hole lets pressure out but not really oxygen in. This is why you pull it when the smoke stops.
Just a personalized license plate which i saw on the way to work this morning.
Just using my fresh charcoal20171004_180305.jpg
Today, we had rain showers on and off, so no boating today. But a good day, mid 70's, to buck up firewood and cut a few trees to open up the view. This is a progression of sunset shots from tonight.
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Sunset over the Adirondack Mountains of N.Y. and Lake Champlain.
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Tough loss but great game! Can’t give Rodgers that much time he’s too good!!
It's time, to winterize. 10 damp rid like containers for $1 each from the dollar store, Plus the anti-pooling system and shipping cover. Already topped off and treated the fuel, emptied the fresh water tank and took in the bimini.
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