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This is the bad part of the day
Clothes washer has a bad snubber ring (i hope, I didn't even know what it was) parts tomorrow hopefully

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Last year i fixed my washer and dryer within 2 months of each other. Then another 2 months later and a lightning strike blew them up. I remodeled the whole laundry room for the new units
The weather here has been beautiful for the end of September. Can't ask for much better when you are out on this lake. This stretch won't last much longer.Screenshot_20170926-170719.png Screenshot_20170926-170558.pngFirst clouds we have seen in 5 days, and I did not see any 5 mph wind today. It was about as close to Glass as we get here. A good day to run WOT, need to clean the hull, only saw 44mph with bimini up. I know that's part of it. Very few boats at our favorite beach on a tuesday. Three days in a row above 90 deg. smashing records back to the 1800s, officially in a heat wave.
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Sunset tonight, from our pool, 1100' above the lake. I do need to cut a few trees, that have recently grown to block the view.
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Last Mets game of the season. . . . . 20170927_191043.jpg
My son coming in 1st (of 59) at his cross country race today. This is the first time he has come in first since he started running cross country five years ago. Now he is totally superstitious, I don't think that shirt is going to get washed again this season.

My son coming in 1st (of 59) at his cross country race today. This is the first time he has come in first since he started running cross country five years ago. Now he is totally superstitious, I don't think that shirt is going to get washed again this season.

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Holy cow, killer time, man. Anything under 13min is crazy good, and he's way under.

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@Betik It's close.....definitely had me thinking of you this morning.

Wisconsin is one the 4 states that I have not been yet, but my reputation proceeds me. LOL Kid of funny because that is exactly how you will pronounce it: "a" sound and then "e" sound.

FYI: this is my towmobile


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She's whole, again. At long last.

Yes, two captain chairs, tower, locker lid and all... Lock, stock, and barrel. :cool:

I am participating at Vet event this a.m. And hope i'm up to the challenge. Alcatraz doesnt look that far out, how hard can it be? I was at a holiday inn last night so ....

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Sunrise over Keweenaw Bay, Lake Superior.

I was up at Mom's house this weekend to close down her cottage and do some odd chores (pronounced "run around doing stuff every waking moment" :)).

This pic was taken on the way home this morning. I was just south of Baraga Michigan. The shoreline you see is L'Anse.
I like the big bow of the new 240s.

My daughter's friends be like...

while my friends be like...

What a horrible night in LV. God bless all the good folk there.

We were just visiting there, and Kate almost stayed over to see Jason Aldean as we saw him in STL earlier this Summer and he was fantastic. I can not imagine what he must be going through.

Mandalay Bay in the background, upper left. I guess will never look at the same way again.

Went up to North Hero today, looking at sailboats. N. Hero is the northern most island in a chain of islands in Lake Champlain, close to the Quebec border. Had lunch at City Bay with this view of the Lake and the Green Mountains beyond.
On the way back, I took this pic. from the other side of the Island looking west to the Adirondack Mtns. of upstate New York.
20171002_145745.jpg Beautiful day today.
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