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New captain in training... While my daughter crashes in the background! 20170916_155729.jpg
Good times getting ready to watch some football on the makeshift projector while we grill out.

My daughter up to bat in her softball game yesterday. We won 14-3. She did great. I'm one of the coaches so it's fun being on the field with her. Looking forward to the season.


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I'm having a rough season... lol.
(not the worst ever, actually, but still pretty rough...)

Is this the largest rock ever sucked into a Yammie.? IDK. This thing is so big, it jammed between the transom plate and the wear ring. I needed to pull the wear ring along the stator/impeller shaft to get it out.

But that was not it (for my adventure)! As I was putzing back to the dock, just few hundred yards, BOOM - I caught something else in the other (strbd) pump!
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SS band clamp...???!!! WTF???? No idea where it came from, I could not find any place around the strbd pump that would be missing one - so I must have sucked it up from the river...:confused:
The clamp managed to wrap around the impeller and bend the leading edge.

So - two new impellers already ordered, hopefully Babbitt's can ship fast, I don't want it to be the season ending booboo.


Is this because if the low lake levels where your boat is at?
Is this because if the low lake levels where your boat is at?
Yes and No.

Yes - because the river is very low so there is a much higher chance to get too close to shallow areas or shore.

No - because the same exact scenario could have played regardless of river level (one can always find rocks when not careful). I just got distracted and came too close to the bank into shallow water with gravelly bottom and then - like a total newbie idiot - hit the reverse hard to pull out... That is something one should never do in shallow water. Our boats' intakes act like huge vacuum cleaners and can pick up gravel or even large rocks (sic), especially in reverse - as the bottom is stirred up.
(Yes - only a total newbie, or an idiot, would gun the throttles in reverse in shallow water! :cool:)

Our boats do amazingly well in shallow water ON PLANE. As long as the bottom is mud or silt you can easily pass over stretches of shallow water that are literally inches-deep. I do that when I need to get to one of the coves and have never had any issues and no adverse effects. My hull is black and looks like a mirror with no scratches, and I have never had any issues with cooling lines.
Key word: on plane.

My son placing second overall at a 5k fun run earlier today. There were a few thousand people registered to run so he is very happy with his performance. By the way, at thirty something the first and third place finishers are more than twice my son's age.
Dude texted about my boat. You think he's serious? I think he's serious.

Was on lake Havasu yesterday. Saw this launch ramp fail. These people were very fortunate considering it was at Site 6 and there wasn't a crowd. (Look up site 6 on YouTube and you'll know what I mean)
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thats some harsh youtubeing ! why do they not fix that ramp
I was on line this afternoon, learning about marine surveyors tapping hammers, and this came up. I guess I missed all the previous discussion about these boats on the forum. Really? It cost this much to buy a Pavati 24' custom wake boat? I don't know, is it that good. Can it really be worth the $$$,$$$.99Screen shot 2017-09-18 at 6.33.54 PM.png
The 26' is a cool quarter Mil. :eek:
@Bill D $30,000 more for 2 more feet, I get that, been looking at sailboats. But its the first 24 feet I don't get.:confused: I just did the math, cant believe we are thinking about adding a sailboat to our fleet.
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Haha, ten grand a foot for something I can't live on is nuts. The wife and I are thinking about retiring to a boat down the road, so I have also been looking into the cost of boats and have become familiar with the idea of a 50' boat being $500,000. But that would also be my house, not just a cool looking toy.
This pic. is from Sunday, 20170917_155414.jpg Vermont is having some damn good weather right now. Willow and I have been out in the Yamaha 4 of the last 5 days. LOVING the last of summer. Today I replaced the windshield screw cover at the beach. But Sunday was awesome, it was a 3 inflatable day. I left the 4th, at home, in the closet........No, not that kind of inflatable, its an Airhead 3 person, TUBE!
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