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A few more pics from my trip to Old Sacranento.
First a few pics of a seaplane as it was being parked/docked to for lunch on the water.

Second a fee pics of an alternative jet boat that tied up near my boat last night. Looks like a small version of the steel bottom boats that are used to give people tours of the colorado river/grand canyon and kalamath river on the ca / oregon boarder. Not something id be interested in but still think its cool.

IMG_9654.JPG IMG_9652.JPG IMG_9662.JPG

I'm having a rough season... lol.
(not the worst ever, actually, but still pretty rough...)

Is this the largest rock ever sucked into a Yammie.? IDK. This thing is so big, it jammed between the transom plate and the wear ring. I needed to pull the wear ring along the stator/impeller shaft to get it out.

But that was not it (for my adventure)! As I was putzing back to the dock, just few hundred yards, BOOM - I caught something else in the other (strbd) pump!

SS band clamp...???!!! WTF???? No idea where it came from, I could not find any place around the strbd pump that would be missing one - so I must have sucked it up from the river...:confused:
The clamp managed to wrap around the impeller and bend the leading edge.

So - two new impellers already ordered, hopefully Babbitt's can ship fast, I don't want it to be the season ending booboo.

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I'm having a rough season... lol.
(not the worst ever, actually, but still pretty rough...)

Is this the largest rock ever sucked into a Yammie.? IDK. This thing is so big, it jammed between the transom plate and the wear ring. I needed to pull the wear ring along the stator/impeller shaft to get it out.

But that was not it (for my adventure)! As I was putzing back to the dock, just few hundred yards, BOOM - I caught something else in the other (strbd) pump!
View attachment 63899

SS band clamp...???!!! WTF???? No idea where it came from, I could not find any place around the strbd pump that would be missing one - so I must have sucked it up from the river...:confused:
The clamp managed to wrap around the impeller and bend the leading edge.

So - two new impellers already ordered, hopefully Babbitt's can ship fast, I don't want it to be the season ending booboo.

I'm starting to think your boat is cursed or something.
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View attachment 63898

I'm having a rough season... lol.
(not the worst ever, actually, but still pretty rough...)

Is this the largest rock ever sucked into a Yammie.? IDK.

But that was not it (for my adventure)!

SS band clamp...???!!! WTF????

Wow, BUMMER DUDE!!! First thing comes to mind is that song from HEHAW years ago, goes something like...Gloom, despair and agony on me...If it wern't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. I'd say it's time for your luck to turn around. Sending good luck thoughts your way. Are the water levels still low, like last year, on your approach to your marina?
Wow looks like a moon rock. I'd called the Guinness Book of Records folks ... "Largest rock every sucked up by a Yamaha Jetboat" ... the record is yours ...
Are the water levels still low, like last year, on your approach to your marina?
The entire river is very low right now. But I blame myself. While I was NOT on plane (putzing around and watching birds - distracted) my stern got too close to one of the banks but then I put it in reverse to stop the spin - always a recipe for disaster.
Not that I didn't know! Need to work on my reflexes... LOL.

But - even with the water low there is 35' of water in a cove downstream.
We were wakeboarding the whole morning over GLASS until our hands couldn't hold anymore. It was one of the best outings this year.

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Pulled this guy out of the deep at the beach today.20170912_144732.jpg Left him on a pedestal of driftwood to guard the beach.
I was wondering where I left that.
Was on lake Havasu yesterday. Saw this launch ramp fail. These people were very fortunate considering it was at Site 6 and there wasn't a crowd. (Look up site 6 on YouTube and you'll know what I mean)
Oh man I love those Ramp 6 videos, those people are savage!
After seeing one or two videos of people at that ramp i would be sure to avoid it if i ever visit lake havasu.
As we were coming back from the beach today, just inside the narrows of Malletts Bay I saw this guy land, and as we passed the pilot hit the throttles and took off. Those engines drowned out the engine noise from my MR-1s.
Post hurricane beer selection.......need i say more?
Yeah.....that Stella made it into my fridge.
Got new impellers!

Arrived in less than a week! (if all goes well, might be able to hit the water this weekend!!!)

Seem to be better machined and better finished actually - as compared to the last time I bough those. Always liked the OEMs though, best impellers for these boats.

All 3 blades in both pitched consistently - a good sign. The trailing edges align perfectly with each other within a fraction of a mm - very good. You will never see this with refurbished, not quite.

Since the port and strbd come pitched the same from factory now, I am very tempted to bend the port side a tad more aggressively, but will leave it alone for now. Want to see what I'm getting for top RPM and speed first. Then decide.

I was also able to seal the pump now that I have everything taken apart. Of course I found a few spots with missing factory sealant. The factory does not do a great job with that, my intake grates have had hardly any along entire stretches...

Very impressed with Babbitt's Online, it will be my new go-to Yamaha parts outfit. Their prices are very competitive, and currently run 10% discount on anything you order through their new app. Which is also very good for viewing part fisches.
