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Limited number of sunsets left this summer. I have the lake to myself -- well at least I have my beer to keep my company.
My boating sunsets are over for the season! My body has aged more than I thought. First broken bone in 37 years! Thankfully no surgery.

A picture of happiness


Got the new impellers installed, sealed the pumps/tunnels (never done that since new - should have!), that boat just wants to jump out of the water. Crazy.

You gotta tell us the story now! Golfing accident??

Riding on the back of my buddies 4 wheeler after the buckeyes game Saturday night. He really wanted to show a buddy and me his food plots for the fall deer season. I forgot to say... hold my beer while riding!
Lost my center of gravity while holding on one handed (broken one) rolled off the side when he turned. Took a nasty spill on blacktop.
Big dent in the yeti but the bottle inside never broke. Could gave been much worse.
I can't think of a more mis-named item but was happy to use it at the last 5k fun run I participated in.
Thats about says it all. Being a dairy farmer in Vermont, this is what we refer as a honey bucket/wagon.Screen shot 2017-09-21 at 11.38.44 AM.png This article in Wikipedia explains the origin.Screen shot 2017-09-21 at 11.36.50 AM.pngI believe this is also the origin of the slang word "dip$hit".
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Thanks for the "education" @zipper . If i lived in those times i probably would have pointed the honeydippers out to my son as motivation to stay in school. Who knows, those guys may have been getting paid well considering the service they provided.
@Ronnie Here is another tidbit...please excuse me, On a 500 acre dairy farm with 2 big barns' i see alot of pee and poop. Here is some more about the pee end of it. I think we have all heard the term: "Piss poor" or "I dont have a pot to piss in" That originated in the hide tanning industry. Ammonia was a necessary fluid used to tan leather/hides way back. The quickest way to obtain ammonia then was to let urine set for a couple days. Just walk thru a barn, with animals, that has not been cleaned for a couple days' you will smell it. Any way people would piss in a pot and save it to sell to the tannery. So all you needed was a pot to piss in to make money. Heard that on NPR years ago
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Heading from STL to Vegas, for exactly a day and a half... can't miss school and work, you know. Gonna visit with mommy who is on a work detail there for who knows couple weeks.
I just hope we can hit the Lake Mead this time. Will see.

We made it.

Vegas, baby!


Lake Mead tomorrow!
The two sides of Hoover Dam
(and one morning)

@swatski we'll be out there in a few weeks (our Turks trip is cancelled as the resort is closed until 12/14)....so going to:

  1. Sedona
  2. Grand Canyon
  3. Zion
  4. Hoover Dam
  5. Vegas - at MGM Grand - (Caitlin chose to see Blue Man Group, we chose Celine)
Took my parents out on the Lake today, they will head south to Fla. for the winter in a couple weeks. Conditions were great, 80's, a lot of boats and their wakes around the bay. Waves generally <1ft. in the outer bay and 3-4ft rollers out on the broad lake. Wind out of the south at only 5mph, but the waves got that big by starting 50 miles away. Found a leeward side of a peninsula for this shot. Love my trim tabs.20170924_134149.jpg It was great having they aboard. No smiles on me because the s7 camera was acting up.
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@swatski we'll be out there in a few weeks (our Turks trip is cancelled as the resort is closed until 12/14)....so going to:

  1. Sedona
  2. Grand Canyon
  3. Zion
  4. Hoover Dam
  5. Vegas - at MGM Grand - (Caitlin chose to see Blue Man Group, we chose Celine)
We had done Vegas totally different this time, and all in under 48hrs, too.
The highlight was Red Rocks Canyon horse back ride, we loved it.


Kate's horse happened to be a wild mustang, captured as a stray, had a branding.

How do rate Love it, great shot and awesome? Guess you would have to break it up into 3 posts. Seriously that is awesome.

P.S. We love our 2 horses...looks like a memorable family vacation.
This is the bad part of the day
Clothes washer has a bad snubber ring (i hope, I didn't even know what it was) parts tomorrow hopefully

This is the good part
I learn fast,
Invite @Betik get home made greek treat
What's left of home made baklava
