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55 degrees in Ohio on Labor Day :banghead: and no boating... indoor golf does the trick! Pretty slick set up.

It's called Swing 365. They have 8 private bays and then 6 that are more open in a bar setting. Great food and cheap beer. The system they use is called HD Golf. It shows you all your stats from every swing. I thought I was good... until I realized I didn't hit a single square shot the entire round!
Dude, that's badass. How much and how can I get one?!?!
It's only requires one small payment of $55.

$55k that is!!!!!
It's only requires one small payment of $55.

$55k that is!!!!!
Is it really that expensive @Murf'n'surf ? We only paid $24 each. 3 people 2 hours. Along with $2 bottles... if they are 55k each, I have no clue how this guy is making money!
Starting up the Trashcan corn. The best!

Here's what I see....coming right down my alley. It is usually a good thing to be in the cone of uncertainty this early but I am not feeling so lucky right now.

Here's what I see....coming right down my alley. It is usually a good thing to be in the cone of uncertainty this early but I am not feeling so luck right now.

View attachment 63560

Agreed on being in the cone this early. I too have concerns on this one. I actually know people that went and bought supplies yesterday, which I can't say is a terrible idea.
Agreed on being in the cone this early. I too have concerns on this one. I actually know people that went and bought supplies yesterday, which I can't say is a terrible idea.
I was stocking up at Target today....I was chuckling to myself about how much water and food were on the shelves. Ain't gonna be like that in 5 days!
On a lighter note

My new lift installed - finally!
Makes my boating life so much easier - this is 5-10 min from home!

It was a long day though. My marina/river is so low right now, with no significant rain in a while, my guys needed to dredge my slip to get the lift to work properly.

Just saying - for all you guys enjoying deep water. You don't know how good you have it!
I was stocking up at Target today....I was chuckling to myself about how much water and food were on the shelves. Ain't gonna be like that in 5 days!

I'm outside raleigh. Went for a beer run tonight at local food lion ...ALL the water was GONE! Even the singles. DOOOM!

(Food lion. Thats an odd name)
My wife snapped this pic at the local Publix food store the other day. Looks like this guy has priorities!!!

I'm outside raleigh. Went for a beer run tonight at local food lion ...ALL the water was GONE! Even the singles. DOOOM!

(Food lion. Thats an odd name)

Well, beer is 95% water, so you should be good!


I couldn't believe this guy slept through the commotion of a busy job site.
With all the bad weather happening lately, a friend and myself went over to my parents house to do some roof line modifications and shingle repair before they head to Englewood, Fla. for 7 mos. All went well here, thanks to my friend being a good roofing contractor. They talk about selling the house on lake front property in a couple years and making the Englewood area year round. With the weather in the south now I am glad that these cars are still here in Vermont and have not yet been moved south.
20170909_100716.jpg 1966 912 Spent my teenage years rebuilding this with him, PO hit a tree RR quarter, totaled.20170909_100623.jpg 1930 Model A fresh off the rotisserie and mods to the drivetrain. will be on the road soon. And then there is Matilda, a pristine 29 Model A roadster, she has won 1st place ribbons at Stowe, Vt. and Springfield, Ma. All 3 of these are pristine and I am very happy they will not be in harms way.
20170909_101927.jpg 20170909_102116.jpg If the storm surge predictions are true for that area, it might be catastrophic for his boats and he loves that flats boat. I hope you all in Fla., fare well.
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Made my last overnight boating trip of the year a trek up to old sacramento from the sf bayarea with some old friends. I can see my boat from my suite at the Embassy Suites and overall had a great experience. The complimentary / no extra cost made to order omelets and free drinks at happy hour didnt hurt either.