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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

First one I've ever owned free and clear (well, except my first boat which was just a $700 whaler w/40hp johnson on it back in '98). Now just gotta play it smart and hope a 210FSH isn't released this year...

First one I've ever owned free and clear (well, except my first boat which was just a $700 whaler w/40hp johnson on it back in '98). Now just gotta play it smart and hope a 210FSH isn't released this year...

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Oh come on...... you know the ink won't be dry long before you get that itch!!
@Gavin was excited to harvest his first cantaloupe from this years crop.

Got my new 4 person tube from Costco online today, just two days after I returned the old one and ordered this.
Clearwater beach....

Just got this for future use, could really have used this recently on the Rubicon trail trip, boat camping even filming sunrises and sets while on vacation. Oh well, glad to have it now. $35 at Best Buy, I was going to buy two new standard batteries but saw this and bought it instead.
All set up for the fight!

Boards Boards Boards. This is our total production so far. The one on the right is a small wave ocean board. Cam.
board collection 04.JPG

Totally love this! Grew up in Michigan, went to Cedar Point every few years as a kid. Lived for a couple of in Huron, Ohio... about 10 minutes from Cedar Point... season passes! Insider knowledge! Glorious weeknight visits with no lines!

And the Millenium Force shown in your photo... my favorite ride of any type, anywhere.

Plus... I am a Michigan State grad. So many memories and so much awesomeness in one photo! Thx!

PS: I will leave this here... note the video does not really do the experience justice
