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Had our volleyball banquet last night. This is a pic of the seniors. My kiddo (#18) received All State Academic award which means she carried a GPA of 94 or higher for the entire 4 years of her high school volleyball career. I'm very proud of her!

My latest inflatable but not for boating.
At $200 i figured what the hell.


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This cute and healthy Jersey heifer calf born to her first calf heifer mom yesterday, outside.
Seriously, how do you get all this done???!!

The cow, Lucky, did it all on her own. I did not need to assist. She comes from a good line of Brown Swiss/Jersey girls I've been raising for 18 years. I was 3/4 of a mile away installing sap tubing in the woods when she calved. I love it when that happens.


LMAO! funny!
Finally completed my Christmas display. I only do it because my wife calls me Sparky!
@Gavin is filling the tacos this winter.

I think I remember seeing that one cross the driveway one morning, that's just another good reason to live outside the city limits.
@Gavin is filling the tacos this winter.

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Damn..... I better step this "DAD" game up....your kid is training deer to carry the rifle and hunt for him and my kid cant even spell rifle!

Seriously though, what an epic day in both of your lives! Congrats Gavin!
Holy crap!!! You could saddle that thing up!!! Talk about bringing home the bacon!!! How much does that thing weigh?
300 to 400
Here' another that my biz partner got. Look at the cutters on these things. It took 8 shots from a 300 blackout. 2 from my 45

We are supposed to go back out this weekend to the lease.


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300 to 400
Here' another that my biz partner got. Look at the cutters on these things. It took 8 shots from a 300 blackout. 2 from my 45

We are supposed to go back out this weekend to the lease.
Is that an AR mag in the mouth?
Ok who sent this white stuff here??!! It hardly ever snows here so this was nice to wake up to.




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Wow, Alabama, really. Is that enough to make it a "snow day" day off? That is more snow than i have in northern Vermont.
Good thing for you is it will not last til April.
300 to 400
Here' another that my biz partner got. Look at the cutters on these things. It took 8 shots from a 300 blackout. 2 from my 45

We are supposed to go back out this weekend to the lease.
DUDE!....... That sucker has got to be more than 300-400 lbs! I shoot 100-150 lb pigs all the time and they are tiny...tiny compared to that musky beast you have.