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Show us what you see!!!

@Ronnie - would be a fun project but you can also expect to spend several thousand considering upholstery, parts (engine top ends), carbs, trailer, etc. I think I remember a post where you bought a wave runner and aborted that for a similar reason once you dug into it, right? Still would be fun if that's the goal and I selfishly look forward to your great videos and write up on this. This forum needs more Rotax/Sea Doo write-ups
Tell us some more about they are made.

Mage of surgar paste I made from scratch and hand painted or air brushed. I do this part time at home (while working full-time to support my lake habits)
Our annual reading of "Twas the Night..."

That's a little more weight on my lap than I remember....

Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!!!
Y’all have snow and look festive for the holidays but I see that the Floridian trend of wrapping roofs like presents has NOT spread North yet.

True-hurricanes don't generally come this far north.
I see: EPIC 2018 boating season!


ZUP 2.0 - for all our beginner friends to be able to get up! It is going to be awesome.

Burner.jpg Happy Holidays from the other side of the World!
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3E08A116-2EA8-471D-8F48-5B5722F68C97.jpeg Best game ever. Way better than card against humanity.

22ED902C-B412-4C29-BF75-B532BEE4D8BD.jpeg 4E64B0E3-A325-4E15-B0AF-F8F9C3DBF352.jpeg
I bought that game about a year ago and still haven't played it! Looking forward to it though. I always enjoyed the C&H comics
Took this picture of the truck on Friday. Looks straight out of a GMC advertisement.

Nothing says New Year's Day dinner like a dozen lobsters!
Well, that's with my family anyway, LOL.

Nothing says New Year's Day dinner like a dozen lobsters!
Well, that's with my family anyway, LOL.
View attachment 67140

Love lobster, right up there with steamers and oysters in my book. However these New Years oysters had these little pearls inside. I have never seen crabs inside of an oyster before. Oyster/Crab Rockerfeller.20180101_192810.jpg
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