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I’ve bought some high end lenses in bulk for my job but never seen one with a price tag like this.

January thaw, a little let up in the rain and most of our 14" of snow is gone.
Screenshot_20180112-100058.png20180112_090419.jpg20180112_085638.jpg temps. are alot warmer than they were earlier this week. Yes that is a minus in front of the number.
20180107_082503.jpg Lost alot of snow, but any skiers coming up for the weekend, you will be rewarded with 12" of powder by tomorrow, up North. Winter Storm warning in effect.
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January thaw, a little let up in the rain and most of our 14" of snow is gone.
View attachment 67467View attachment 67468View attachment 67469 temps. are alot warmer than they were earlier this week. Yes that is a minus in front of the number.
View attachment 67470 Lost alot of snow, but any skiers coming up for the weekend, you will rewarded with 12" of powder by tomorrow. Winter Storm warning in effect.
Well, better brace yourself. We are here in single digits again in STL... And it's coming for you!

@swatski Thanks for the heads up. Ya, these thaws usually don't last long. Getting used to it now, after a week plus of -12 to -17 daytime highs anything above zero is warm. Can't wait til late April to dip the hull. Oh BTW Jay Peak is gonna get dumped on tonight. Less snow and freezing rain in central/southern Vt.
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Morning chores today, feeding the horses. Looks like she has white whiskers too. But hers are from the temp. -12, mine not so much cold, just old. I bet she wishes she was back in Flower Mound, Texas.
20180114_085156.jpg And then off to feed an orphan calf, she is doing better than I expected in these temps.
20180114_085848.jpg And then once all the animals are fed, time for me to eat. French toast w/ homemade bread and sausage.
20180114_100643.jpg Now i will kick back and enjoy the sugar coma.
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Axle replacment for my PWC's trailer. Not fun!


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bad day on the slopes, I was cruising along at a good pace making some turns and saw a chunk of ice sticking up from the snow, but couldn't avoid it. I hit it with my downhill ski and thought I made it through ok, but the broken ski dug in and threw me on my side, total yard sale. I slide for about 150 ft, got some oohs and aahs from the chair lift.20180114_133039.jpg 20180114_144710.jpg
Hate it when that happens. Yardsales are great when viewed from the lift. Usually lots of comments from the gallery.

Opened the curtains this morning, and these Toms were "playing" in my yard.
Saw this at Costco today ($30) and shook my head in disbelief.

They should have got the model to make her poopy face or replaced her with a short kid.
They should have got the model to make her poopy face or replaced her with a short kid.
Not sure how her result will turn out wearing white pants.

:-(. She got her ass kicked by the next door neighbor. Now that they got her all taken apart, it's time to start grinding and hopefully in the not too distant future she'll be all polished up.

:-(. She got her ass kicked by the next door neighbor. Now that they got her all taken apart, it's time to start grinding and hopefully in the not too distant future she'll be all polished up.
Ouch!! Time to relocate.

:-(. She got her ass kicked by the next door neighbor. Now that they got her all taken apart, it's time to start grinding and hopefully in the not too distant future she'll be all polished up.
So the boat that is stored next to you hit it?
Built a sub box for a guy. Been a few years since I have built, a little rusty but still came out good.


I also finally cut-up some plywood left over from the last hurricane to get some flooring in my attic. I now have more than enough room up there.
