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@buckbuck Funny, ya I would not recommend it, however I do leave trails open so I can get to remote areas of the property with the sideXside and the tractor. I did have a VAST trail running thru the woods but now sap lines run across it. VAST=Vermont assoc. of snow travelers. VAST was ok, but the 4-wheelers ran year round, tearing the place up.
So the boat that is stored next to you hit it?

Yeah. I now have an end slip for next year, but yes. I covered it a little bit in details here: https://jetboaters.net/threads/fiberglass-damage-suggestions.14668/

It should conclude here soon with the repairs. Hopefully... then it's off to Sugarhouse Awning to have them tailor make me a new mooring cover that's easier to put on inside a slip. The deluxe cover is kind of a bugger to put on in a slip solo.
My view of Lake Champlain this morning. Malletts Bay and the inland sea are frozen over. The broad lake is open now due to the 2 thaws we have had. Our marina is off the screen to the left in the frozen bay. Whiteface Mtn. NY. is obscured by the snow cloud across the lake. Nice view this morning from the house as I make drops for my new section of sugarbush.20180124_084754.jpg20180123_133926.jpg

Edit: Clouds cleared after i posted
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You live in a beautiful place my friend!
Yes, it can be. What would make it more beautiful is 10 months of boating instead of 6.
Damn ice dams! We had a couple days of warm weather and some rain which combined with snow melt. When the river comes up, the ice breaks and starts moving until it hits something and can create ice dams. The water came up about 20' very quickly and unfortunately took out our dock. The water receded quickly but the ice remains. Looks like we have some work ahead of us this spring...Lock 9 01-25-2018.jpg Dock 01-25-2018.jpg
You allow your family to position themselves under that tower?!
You allow your family to position themselves under that tower?!
I tell you, these darned kids. Every time I turn around - they take their helmets off!

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Not right this second, but Monday afternoon. Initial startup of a Bourbon Barrel Char Fire System my company is installing. I didn't do the design on this machine, but am PM'ing the project for us.

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My lovely wife's favorite pla e on earth (colorado for that matter ) T rex bar and grill at copper
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Went to the Milwaukee boat show with the Boys on Sunday. I took a couple pics from the top of one of the "big ones."

While young Matt was busy expounding on the virtues of a Fly-Bridge (and why "our next boat" should have one), the 14-year old was busy taking selfies for his Instagram account:

There were more Yamaha jet boats than I've seen at past shows (sorry no pics). I was going to go aboard an e-series but thought better of it. Just because the practical side of me doesn't like the fancy displays and screens doesn't mean the geek in me doesn't like them.

My "I'm staring down the barrel of 4 college educations" line once again kept the salespeople at bay so I was able to hold "normal" conversations with them.

The Milwaukee Boat Show is pretty much a powerboat / watersports show so it was fun to see a PROPER boat there: A nice little Compac Eclipse. THIS might make a nice retirement boat if fates prevent me from getting a big ol' trawler.

The dealer was from Madison. The salesperson was cool - he's a sailor as well. I had some questions he didn't know the answer to so the two of us crawled around the boat until we figured it out. The sailing bug is biting. Maybe even harder than the powerboating bug. Sigh.

One thing that really impressed me was the pontoon boats. Holy cow. They had some there with TWIN 300 HP outboards on them! I guess that's for when you don't like your guests and want to get to where you're going in a hurry so you can rid yourself of their company.

Overall it was a halfway decent show - certainly nothing like the huge ones in Detroit or Chicago of course. It was a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon in January anyway.

It's probably a good thing that this show doesn't draw too many sailboats. I'd have a yard full of the dang things by now.
@biglar155 I get/got the sailing bug thing. Both the wife and I have it. Last fall we purchased a one year membership to The International Sailing School in Malletts Bay, just a couple hundred yards from our marina. We get to use all their boats for this summer while we look for one of our own. A lot of sailboats out there, we are just trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. Been looking since last August. Here is a link https://jetboaters.net/threads/we-have-been-looking-to-add-to-our-boating-options.15561/ Gonna be a two boat family soon...when the ice melts and a sea trial/survey can be done.
A quick trip up to MSP; this is NOT how it is supposed to be! I’ll take my lake liquid, not brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr’ed.
@biglar155 I get/got the sailing bug thing. Both the wife and I have it. Last fall we purchased a one year membership to The International Sailing School in Malletts Bay, just a couple hundred yards from our marina. We get to use all their boats for this summer while we look for one of our own. A lot of sailboats out there, we are just trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. Been looking since last August. Here is a link https://jetboaters.net/threads/we-have-been-looking-to-add-to-our-boating-options.15561/ Gonna be a two boat family soon...when the ice melts and a sea trial/survey can be done.

Sailing is a blast. I taught myself to sail back before there was such a thing as the internet. I had to <gasp> READ BOOKS!!!!

I was in a small town way up north in the U.P. of Michigan so I had to settle for a few musty books printed in the 1960's from the library. I didn't know anyone who sailed and didn't really know how to access any resources. Fortunately, sailing at its core doesn't change much over the years and those old musty books worked just fine.

My current sailboat is a 17 foot O'Day Daysailer III. She hasn't seen the water in a decade but I'm hoping to change that this coming summer. We'll see. It's going to be a busy one.

Good luck with your search. I haven't really decided if my next "big" boat will be power or sail. I feel like the next boat will be non-trailerable - but I'm not sure I'm ready to make that leap yet.
The cheap gas today in silicon vallley.