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Shower glass and it’s done!

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At the local America’s Tire store: I’m not a wheel and tire expert but, DAMN! “Uh sir, i think your spare tire is more than a little under inflated.”

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LS2 and 4l80e going into a 75 Camaro.
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That looks great. what are your plans for the door? I haven't decided if I just want a piece of frameless glass or some sort of slider.
Go frameless! especially if it is not a large space.

That looks great. what are your plans for the door? I haven't decided if I just want a piece of frameless glass or some sort of slider.
Not 100% yet sure. Definitely frameless glass of some kind... there are some cool sliding type applications, but the ones I've seen tend to leave a gap in between the doors. Where our shower actually has 2 showerheads on oposite sides I'm worried we'll get water leaking from between the doors...

We have dealt with a local hardware and glass company on a few occasions. I'll see what they suggest, but I'm thinking it'll have to be a hinged door type...
Good day on the water again, finally.

20180212_100918.jpg Kids had a couple days skiing @ monarch in Colorado

I'm getting old
My legs burned after only 4 runs
Spotted a 24' Limited S around the 6:13 mark in this video. Anyone on here?

Nice, hahaha. Puts things in perspective, doesn't it? lol


Yea it does! Would going slow be the kiss of death in that inlet? Is the inlet you guys leave from for Bimini as rough?
My Valentine's Day present from my ten year old daughter


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Took the car in for new tires at the dealer last night... today it looks like I will be driving the loaner through the weekend! Tough part for the dealer is that they backed into my car with another customers car... So two rough phone calls that service rep had to make today. Oh well, at least all the stone chips will magically disappear when I get the car back!

Took the car in for new tires at the dealer last night... today it looks like I will be driving the loaner through the weekend! Tough part for the dealer is that they backed into my car with another customers car... So two rough phone calls that service rep had to make today. Oh well, at least all the stone chips will magically disappear when I get the car back!

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Make sure that the dealership is going to pay for that damage out of their pocket and not turn it into their insurance company so it doesn't show up on Carfax as an accident. I had a dealership wreck my truck and they told me it would not get turned into their insurance, when I traded it in last year it did show up as an accident, so I was lied to and they did turn it into their insurance.