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This is what I saw the last time I took the boat and waverunners out for a weekend camping trip. What I am fearing is what I expect to see the next time around, later this month, since I had fuel in the tanks the first time around whereas the next time all the tanks are just about dry.
I ran the numbers, the last camping trip we burned about 130 gallons in fuel (I.e, 50 in the boat and 40 per wave-runner (the last 20 in each at lake premium of anothe $1 per gallon)). This time around I expect to buy 90 gallons of fuel before we hit the water. Hopefully the waverunners won’t get as much use and fuel consumption will be limited to one tank (20 gallons) each. Yeah right.

I will hit Costco to minimize the fuel costs but the price per gallon has already gone up since the pic was taken and is Not expected to drop again until after the summer. This burns just a bit more since Californians pay more for gas already. I have to chalk it up to the price of fun so that I can laugh or smile about it instead of bitch and cry. My bank account loves it when boating season is over.
This is what I saw the last time I took the boat and waverunners out for a weekend camping trip. What I am fearing is what I expect to see the next time around, later this month, since I had fuel in the tanks the first time around whereas the next time all the tanks are just about dry.
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I ran the numbers, the last camping trip we burned about 130 gallons in fuel (I.e, 50 in the boat and 40 per wave-runner (the last 20 in each at lake premium of anothe $1 per gallon)). This time around I expect to buy 90 gallons of fuel before we hit the water. Hopefully the waverunners won’t get as much use and fuel consumption will be limited to one tank (20 gallons) each. Yeah right.

I will hit Costco to minimize the fuel costs but the price per gallon has already gone up since the pic was taken and is Not expected to drop again until after the summer. This burns just a bit more since Californians pay more for gas already. I have to chalk it up to the price of fun so that I can laugh or smile about it instead of bitch and cry. My bank account loves it when boating season is over.
Maybe I’m confused but the pictured price of fuel is .29 less than what we pay in Florida right now.
Maybe I’m wrong about Florida gas prices but the pic was from 27th of July. Here is a pick of prices tonight at a different but nearby gas station (hard to read as I was in the back of a moving car, but it’s $3.89, $4.05 and $4.15 respectively).


On a side note I noticed a big difference in price ($0.75 per gallon less) for 87 octane in North Carolina earlier this summer but 89 and 91 octane was only $0.15 to $0.20 less expensive than CA prices.
Maybe I’m wrong about Florida gas prices but the pic was from 27th of July. Here is a pick of prices tonight at a different but nearby gas station (hard to read as I was in the back of a moving car, but it’s $3.89, $4.05 and $4.15 respectively).

View attachment 82070

On a side note I noticed a big difference in price ($0.75 per gallon less) for 87 octane in North Carolina earlier this summer but 89 and 91 octane was only $0.15 to $0.20 less expensive than CA prices.
Standby........ I’m a dumbass! We are at $2.79.
Clarification --- I am agreeing with @Murf'n'surf about the gas price. Its rare that 87 Octane is over $3.00 in the south.

I was not concurring with his his self-diagnosed intellectual ailment. ;)
It works both ways, I forgot to include the fuel I need for the tow vehicles, 200 miles there and back for two vehicles, 30 gallons is my rough estimate. So 120 gallons at $4 per gallon $480 before I hit the water. I’ve already filled the tow vehicles so it won’t hurt so bad when I fuel the jets off the water, it always hurts to pay the on water premium but the reservoir I’m at doesn’t allow users to bring in gas cans so I either buy their gas or haul the boat or pwcs to the nearest gas station. Of course my marine insurance is up for renewal and the premium just went up and is now close to $700 add another $300 for This year’s luxury tax bill and the seemingly little boating I did this season just got really expensive on a per outing basis. Thank God I at least own the boat so I don’t have a recurring monthly payment to worry about but Damn. I’m starting to wonder if I’d be better off in a fractional ownership situation or if I should sell the boat and rent one whenever I get the urge to boat.

If the price of gas here ever dropped to $2.50 or so I think I’d try and find a way to buy and store a few hundred gallons of it.
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Suddenly I’m not liking what I see, not at all, so it’s time to get up, get out and see something else.
And move where, the great state of North Carolina? Although I just visited there and found the people I interacted with very nice, I’d have to pass for numerous reasons, like lack of diversity among the population, lack of a middle class, it’s proximity to TN (where unless I’m mistaken the KKK was founded and is still based). This is just my opinion and it is solely based on the few days I spent there last month. Although, I had some black team members, all in their late teens, in my car at some points during the trip and clearly remember what the most muscular and oldest one said as we left the freeway to drive on a more rural road, “... this looks like KKK Lane too me sir, I’m scared.” Without thinking I responded, “I’m a little scared As well.” I mean it looked like a set from a movie, perfect to hold a large rally, burn a cross and hang someone or a few people, all with relative privacy given how secluded it was, it not just acres between structures/homes, it’s miles. Besides I don’t think I’d save much or any money on boat insurance, my premiums is high because I’ve made and have been paid out on several large claims over the years but I love boat u.s. so will stay with them as long as they will have me.

In the context of the above, “get out of the republic of California” is an over simplified solution (more of a concept really) to problems which are varied and complex. It’s like telling a homeless person to get job so he or she can buy a home or rent an apartment. I can only imagine the reaction I’d get if I said that to the next homeless person I saw.

On a lighter note I was in the shower when I noticed this label. I don’t think the word “shampooing” is really necessary and shook my head on the realization that somebody got paid to develop this label and it probably had to be approved by a committee of better paid individuals before it was ever used. Is there a different use for shampoo that the manufacturer is concerned about? Can you get drunk off of it? Seriously?
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umm... sir, you do realize that "shampooing" is the French translation for "Shampoo" in the English language....
And move where, the great state of North Carolina? Although I just visited there and found the people I interacted with very nice, I’d have to pass for numerous reasons, like lack of diversity among the population, lack of a middle class, it’s proximity to TN (where unless I’m mistaken the KKK was founded and is still based). This is just my opinion and it is solely based on the few days I spent there last month. Although, I had some black team members, all in their late teens, in my car at some points during the trip and clearly remember what the most muscular and oldest one said as we left the freeway to drive on a more rural road, “... this looks like KKK Lane too me sir, I’m scared.” Without thinking I responded, “I’m a little scared As well.” I mean it looked like a set from a movie, perfect to hold a large rally, burn a cross and hang someone or a few people, all with relative privacy given how secluded it was, it not just acres between structures/homes, it’s miles.

In the context of the above, “get out of the republic of California” is an over simplified solution (more of a concept really) to problems which are varied and complex. It’s like telling a homeless person to get job so he or she can buy a home or rent an apartment. I can only imagine the reaction I’d get if I said that to the next homeless person I saw.

On a lighter note I was in the shower when I noticed this label. I don’t think the word “shampooing” is really necessary and shook my head on the realization that some got paid to develop this label and it probably had to be approved by a committee of better paid individuals before it was ever used. Is there a different use for shampoo that the manufacturer is concerned about? Can you get drunk off of it? Seriously?
View attachment 82083

Well, if you want to judge a whole state because it is close to another state and because you got scared being on a back road... maybe stay in California after all. It seems that is a good fit for you. I would hate for our country living to offend anyone. Besides, us Carolinians have no idea what a city even looks like.

But seriously, maybe actually look into what the Carolinas have to offer before making such a closed minded comment! Greenville, SC for example has been ranked in the top 25 places to live over and over by a ton of different sources.

Just my country opinion and that's what I SEE!
And move where, the great state of North Carolina? Although I just visited there and found the people I interacted with very nice, I’d have to pass for numerous reasons, like lack of diversity among the population, lack of a middle class, it’s proximity to TN (where unless I’m mistaken the KKK was founded and is still based). This is just my opinion and it is solely based on the few days I spent there last month. Although, I had some black team members, all in their late teens, in my car at some points during the trip and clearly remember what the most muscular and oldest one said as we left the freeway to drive on a more rural road, “... this looks like KKK Lane too me sir, I’m scared.” Without thinking I responded, “I’m a little scared As well.” I mean it looked like a set from a movie, perfect to hold a large rally, burn a cross and hang someone or a few people, all with relative privacy given how secluded it was, it not just acres between structures/homes, it’s miles. Besides I don’t think I’d save much or any money on boat insurance, my premiums is high because I’ve made and have been paid out on several large claims over the years but I love boat u.s. so will stay with them as long as they will have me.

In the context of the above, “get out of the republic of California” is an over simplified solution (more of a concept really) to problems which are varied and complex. It’s like telling a homeless person to get job so he or she can buy a home or rent an apartment. I can only imagine the reaction I’d get if I said that to the next homeless person I saw.

On a lighter note I was in the shower when I noticed this label. I don’t think the word “shampooing” is really necessary and shook my head on the realization that somebody got paid to develop this label and it probably had to be approved by a committee of better paid individuals before it was ever used. Is there a different use for shampoo that the manufacturer is concerned about? Can you get drunk off of it? Seriously?
View attachment 82083

This is a really interesting perspective to me. How do you compare the middle class of SF or California in general to that of NC? Curious of your perspective. I would say of the places I visited, and yes I've been to SF, the southeast is as diverse as anywhere I've been as a whole. I have no data to support such claim, but it certainly feels that way. I'm in GA and believe it or not, I've lived in the city and the boonies and in 37 years I've never encountered a burning cross. Don't let those kids be brain washed by the movies or media. I'm sure they're a few crazies in some back wood trailer with grown man Halloween costume, but there's also probably someone shooting up and taking a s**t on the public side walk there in SF. Oh, wait that actually happens for real where you live ;)

Hey if you ever need a 2nd career, this one pays pretty good.

A nice quiet afternoon on the Lake, paddle boarding, we had the waters off the state park/bay to ourselves. I love weekday boating. Put the Beneteau on the hook, 22# Delta, for the first time to have lunch.
The next outing we will give the Yamaha some Love. Just trying to get as much helm time/practice with the sailboat as we can. Being in a double slip requires more accuracy than a mooring. And BTW, the Docking Sticks I posted about work great. We had 3 people waiting on the dock to help us in. They almost looked depressed when we, Willow and I, did not need their help. And then came all the questions about them. https://jetboaters.net/threads/docking-stick-boat-hook-adapters.19009/#post-327119
@Ronnie.. My comment was mentioned as a gental jab over the craziness we see from california like a ban on straws and grocery bags... But after I read your responce I had to go back and read it again and I will say I am a little disappointed in your reply. I have lived in north carolina all my life.. I have neither known or met a single KKK member. I am currently in law enforcement and I still have not encountered any. Im sure they are around.. As I am sure they are also in california. I am disappointed in your narrow view. In any case I am glad I am here in north carolina rather than on the west coast.. This is where I was born and raised and we like our state just fine.. And I still may not ever meet some one in the KKK.
umm... sir, you do realize that "shampooing" is the French translation for "Shampoo" in the English language....
Actually I didn’t realize this. So they put both words on the label to make it easy / more cost effective for them to sell the product to french and English speaking consumers?
I’m pretty sure my wife bought this at a local store and I am not aware of any nearby regions where French is the primary or even secondary language. If anything they should have used the Spanish term for shampoo. What am I missing?
Actually I didn’t realize this. So they put both words on the label to make it easy / more cost effective for them to sell the product to french and English speaking consumers?
I’m pretty sure my wife bought this at a local store and I am not aware of any nearby regions where French is the primary or even secondary language. If anything they should have used the Spanish term for shampoo. What am I missing?

Because they sell the same product with the same label in Canada.
English = official language of USA
English & French = official languages of CANADA

one label = cost effectiveness

This is also true of most of your bathing/make-up products. (At least of the ones my wife buys)
Agree with @Bennie. French and English are also the official languages of the Olympics. Something to keep in mind for your son's future.
@Ronnie.. My comment was mentioned as a gental jab over the craziness we see from california like a ban on straws and grocery bags... But after I read your responce I had to go back and read it again and I will say I am a little disappointed in your reply. I have lived in north carolina all my life.. I have neither known or met a single KKK member. I am currently in law enforcement and I still have not encountered any. Im sure they are around.. As I am sure they are also in california. I am disappointed in your narrow view. In any case I am glad I am here in north carolina rather than on the west coast.. This is where I was born and raised and we like our state just fine.. And I still may not ever meet some one in the KKK.
I’m sorry you are disappointed in my response but I’m not sorry I wrote it. Recall that I think the people I interacted with were great and the kkk comment was from one of my passengers, it’s how he felt as a young black man, I don’t question or judge it and was happy he felt comfortable enough to share his feelings with me, until he got in my rental car I didn’t even know his name just his face as another team member of my son. I would have felt scared of being in that situation regardless of what state I was in. On an unfamiliar rural road in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere, at sunset, sometimes with no cell service with a bunch of kids that I’m quasi responsible for. Looked like a scene from unsolved mysteries.

I don’t discount your experience as a LEO or as a person who grew up there but remind you that everyone perceives things differently. I have a few close friends some of which are Caucasian / white. To this day they never seem to notice when I’m being singled out because I’m not like them. Examples, and these have and still do happen here in Ca and elsewhere:
1. We walk into a store or mall, they get helped I get followed.
2. We eat at a restaraunt, they get served first, referred to as sir and their glasses are always full. My food comes out late, same food as their’s just “special” for some reason, im referred to as you or the server just points at me as a que for me to speak and I also have to flag someone down for my drink refill.
3. Again eating at a restaurant, I put the name in for the table, I do most of the talking yet they get the bill (his is the only time they notice something is not right and they only notice sometimes).

My point is racism is alive and well everywhere in the U.S. so is white privilege, you just have to be on the look out for it. Are you looking out for it? If not, who has the narrow view (intentional or otherwise)?

I don’t blame my friends for not seeing it, I probably would not notice it either if it benefitted me and I grew up with it.

Before going to N.C. The participants spoke openly with those that had been there before during a previous JR. Olympics, when a Filipino lady that could have been my aunt said “the last time we where there in 2015/2016 my husband and I went to a mall and were met at the door by a security guard who asked, “what is your business here?”” So yes it was on my mind when I left for the trip but I’m glad that I didn’t experience anything like that when I was there as i would like to go back to visit the u.s. white water rafting center. I wouldn’t want to live on the east coast though, I think the weather sucks and would have a hard time planning around it. Muggy in the am, hot as hell in the afternoon and rain and lighting in the evening. I even got a few flash flood warnings while i was there. Plus it snows in some states like NY, I don’t ever want to live in a place where i have to shovel snow to get my car out to go to work and shovel it again afterwork to get my car back into the garage.

@Jameson Clark , I don’t view my startement as one of judgement but one of fact. Does TN border NC? Yes. Is TN where the kkk was founded and is currently based? I believe so but I could be wrong. If this is true is not reasonable to think that kkk members may be in nearby NC? Sure it is. Just like I’d expect to find sharks near In and near the ocean not Death Valley.

@Ramblin Wreck my comment about lack of a middle class is based solely on the homes I saw while driving in n.c., they were either sprawling estates with lots of land or shacks some of which didn’t look habitable. Nothing in between like track homes or communities I’m used to seeing. It reminded me of kodiak Alaska where you either have money or you don’t.

Im surprised that my post has garnered so much attention. I actually typed a longer more detailed one at first but thought it was too long and detailed to post, wrong as I ended up retyping a lot of it in this response.

The story about professional poop scoopers is interesting but like survey results I don’t believe everything I read. $185k is the fully burdened rate and includes benefits and a retirement plan, gross pay is likely closer to $100k, $65k net. If I wanted or needed a second job that wouldn’t be it as I don’t I have great benefits already. Uber driver or bar tender is more my style.

Best places to live is the same way. Ever notice that some airline magazines list the best “fill in the blank”, example steak houses. I been to a few now listed in the magazines and couldn’t disagree more with the rating, that is some/most of them should have been rated worst not first in the state. How about boat test . Com have they ever given a boat a bad review?