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English = official language of USA
English & French = official languages of CANADA

one label = cost effectiveness

This is also true of most of your bathing/make-up products. (At least of the ones my wife buys)
Canada is along way from the sf Bay Area. It’s roughly 300 miles to the northern border of CA, plus the states of OR and WA. Now I’m curious and will check out the labeling on the other products we have and those on stores shelves if I remember to do so.
I’m sorry you are disappointed in my response but I’m not sorry I wrote it. Recall that I think the people I interacted with were great and the kkk comment was from one of my passengers, it’s how he felt as a young black man, I don’t question or judge it and was happy he felt comfortable enough to share his feelings with me, until he got in my rental car I didn’t even know his name just his face as another team member of my son. I would have felt scared of being in that situation regardless of what state I was in. On an unfamiliar rural road in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere, at sunset, sometimes with no cell service with a bunch of kids that I’m quasi responsible for. Looked like a scene from unsolved mysteries.

I don’t discount your experience as a LEO or as a person who grew up there but remind you that everyone perceives things differently. I have a few close friends some of which are Caucasian / white. To this day they never seem to notice when I’m being singled out because I’m not like them. Examples, and these have and still do happen here in Ca and elsewhere:
1. We walk into a store or mall, they get helped I get followed.
2. We eat at a restaraunt, they get served first, referred to as sir and their glasses are always full. My food comes out late, same food as their’s just “special” for some reason, im referred to as you or the server just points at me as a que for me to speak and I also have to flag someone down for my drink refill.
3. Again eating at a restaurant, I put the name in for the table, I do most of the talking yet they get the bill (his is the only time they notice something is not right and they only notice sometimes).

My point is racism is alive and well everywhere in the U.S. so is white privilege, you just have to be on the look out for it. Are you looking out for it? If not, who has the narrow view (intentional or otherwise)?

I don’t blame my friends for not seeing it, I probably would not notice it either if it benefitted me and I grew up with it.

Before going to N.C. The participants spoke openly with those that had been there before during a previous JR. Olympics, when a Filipino lady that could have been my aunt said “the last time we where there in 2015/2016 my husband and I went to a mall and were met at the door by a security guard who asked, “what is your business here?”” So yes it was on my mind when I left for the trip but I’m glad that I didn’t experience anything like that when I was there as i would like to go back to visit the u.s. white water rafting center. I wouldn’t want to live on the east coast though, I think the weather sucks and would have a hard time planning around it. Muggy in the am, hot as hell in the afternoon and rain and lighting in the evening. I even got a few flash flood warnings while i was there. Plus it snows in some states like NY, I don’t ever want to live in a place where i have to shovel snow to get my car out to go to work and shovel it again afterwork to get my car back into the garage.

@Jameson Clark , I don’t view my startement as one of judgement but one of fact. Does TN border NC? Yes. Is TN where the kkk was founded and is currently based? I believe so but I could be wrong. If this is true is not reasonable to think that kkk members may be in nearby NC? Sure it is. Just like I’d expect to find sharks near In and near the ocean not Death Valley.

@Ramblin Wreck my comment about lack of a middle class is based solely on the homes I saw while driving in n.c., they were either sprawling estates with lots of land or shacks some of which didn’t look habitable. Nothing in between like track homes or communities I’m used to seeing. It reminded me of kodiak Alaska where you either have money or you don’t.

Im surprised that my post has garnered so much attention. I actually typed a longer more detailed one at first but thought it was too long and detailed to post, wrong as I ended up retyping a lot of it in this response.

The story about professional poop scoopers is interesting but like survey results I don’t believe everything I read. $185k is the fully burdened rate and includes benefits and a retirement plan, gross pay is likely closer to $100k, $65k net. If I wanted or needed a second job that wouldn’t be it as I don’t I have great benefits already. Uber driver or bar tender is more my style.

Best places to live is the same way. Ever notice that some airline magazines list the best “fill in the blank”, example steak houses. I been to a few now listed in the magazines and couldn’t disagree more with the rating, that is some/most of them should have been rated worst not first in the state. How about boat test . Com have they ever given a boat a bad review?

I never realized how much better I should have it being white. Now I'm kind of pissed because I don't get all these benefits you describe above. Maybe its the freckles that ruins it. It must really suck living in a state that claims to be so socially aware yet you get followed around malls and get crappy service in restaurants. I work within a team that is incredibly diverse (race, age, gender), and I've never witnessed any of this with any of them when out as a group. Literally not a single example of how you describe this everywhere racism. I'm sure it happens from time to time but the excesses that I feel reading your post is craziness. In regards to the KKK comment, if you're going to be serious about racism don't use these nut jobs as generalized definition of the south. They are as relevant and numerous as the black panthers. In short, they're not. What I was trying to say is if that kid actually thought there was something to fear, you should be aware enough to flush that thought process from his head and not let it simmer as a possibility because you didn't want to judge his perspective. It's simply a ridiculous generalization and fear. I'm just stunned by such worry of NC that the group had a open discussion. That's so over the top IMO I can't even express my thoughts. You would think based on your description you would find separate water fountains at the local NC malls.

What area did you visit? Here in the burbs of ATL it's mostly all middle class. Now our middle class homes maybe 1mm homes in your neighborhood but that's a different story. It really doesn't matter what a pooper scooper makes. That fact that you actually have to have them is the issue.

We need to get you and family a bit more cultured to the reality of life in the south. We need to have y'all come to a meet up. I'm sure we'll have no problem finding a place that will provide crappy service to all.
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I'm speechless.

EDIT: Man, hot button topics like politics and religion have been out of bounds in this place... but I guess there is always a loophole. Sigh.

I’m sorry you are disappointed in my response but I’m not sorry I wrote it. Recall that I think the people I interacted with were great and the kkk comment was from one of my passengers, it’s how he felt as a young black man, I don’t question or judge it and was happy he felt comfortable enough to share his feelings with me, until he got in my rental car I didn’t even know his name just his face as another team member of my son. I would have felt scared of being in that situation regardless of what state I was in. On an unfamiliar rural road in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere, at sunset, sometimes with no cell service with a bunch of kids that I’m quasi responsible for. Looked like a scene from unsolved mysteries.

I don’t discount your experience as a LEO or as a person who grew up there but remind you that everyone perceives things differently. I have a few close friends some of which are Caucasian / white. To this day they never seem to notice when I’m being singled out because I’m not like them. Examples, and these have and still do happen here in Ca and elsewhere:
1. We walk into a store or mall, they get helped I get followed.
2. We eat at a restaraunt, they get served first, referred to as sir and their glasses are always full. My food comes out late, same food as their’s just “special” for some reason, im referred to as you or the server just points at me as a que for me to speak and I also have to flag someone down for my drink refill.
3. Again eating at a restaurant, I put the name in for the table, I do most of the talking yet they get the bill (his is the only time they notice something is not right and they only notice sometimes).

My point is racism is alive and well everywhere in the U.S. so is white privilege, you just have to be on the look out for it. Are you looking out for it? If not, who has the narrow view (intentional or otherwise)?

I don’t blame my friends for not seeing it, I probably would not notice it either if it benefitted me and I grew up with it.

Before going to N.C. The participants spoke openly with those that had been there before during a previous JR. Olympics, when a Filipino lady that could have been my aunt said “the last time we where there in 2015/2016 my husband and I went to a mall and were met at the door by a security guard who asked, “what is your business here?”” So yes it was on my mind when I left for the trip but I’m glad that I didn’t experience anything like that when I was there as i would like to go back to visit the u.s. white water rafting center. I wouldn’t want to live on the east coast though, I think the weather sucks and would have a hard time planning around it. Muggy in the am, hot as hell in the afternoon and rain and lighting in the evening. I even got a few flash flood warnings while i was there. Plus it snows in some states like NY, I don’t ever want to live in a place where i have to shovel snow to get my car out to go to work and shovel it again afterwork to get my car back into the garage.

@Jameson Clark , I don’t view my startement as one of judgement but one of fact. Does TN border NC? Yes. Is TN where the kkk was founded and is currently based? I believe so but I could be wrong. If this is true is not reasonable to think that kkk members may be in nearby NC? Sure it is. Just like I’d expect to find sharks near In and near the ocean not Death Valley.

@Ramblin Wreck my comment about lack of a middle class is based solely on the homes I saw while driving in n.c., they were either sprawling estates with lots of land or shacks some of which didn’t look habitable. Nothing in between like track homes or communities I’m used to seeing. It reminded me of kodiak Alaska where you either have money or you don’t.

Im surprised that my post has garnered so much attention. I actually typed a longer more detailed one at first but thought it was too long and detailed to post, wrong as I ended up retyping a lot of it in this response.

The story about professional poop scoopers is interesting but like survey results I don’t believe everything I read. $185k is the fully burdened rate and includes benefits and a retirement plan, gross pay is likely closer to $100k, $65k net. If I wanted or needed a second job that wouldn’t be it as I don’t I have great benefits already. Uber driver or bar tender is more my style.

Best places to live is the same way. Ever notice that some airline magazines list the best “fill in the blank”, example steak houses. I been to a few now listed in the magazines and couldn’t disagree more with the rating, that is some/most of them should have been rated worst not first in the state. How about boat test . Com have they ever given a boat a bad review?

Dang Ronnie... I thought you were a good dude, but these posts have me miff'd. You couldn't be more obtuse with your views and opinions. I don't even care to ask where you were in NC because I'm so confident you are completely wrong about diversity. I know this because I grew up in SC. Seriously??? Bagging on TN, a state you didn't even visit because you once heard about KKK being there?? Who the hell talks about KKK these days? Com'on man. You owe 2 whole states an apology bro. I think all that smoke from those forest fires has clouded your judgement. Really disappointed.
Oblivious to what’s going on right now as I was looking for pictures to see what is going on... cheers fellow jetboaters!

*warning sarcasm ahead* Don't let this distract you from the real injustice plaguing our nation today... jet boat discrimination... I think we can all agree there's a real issue here.FB_IMG_1522637933545.jpg
@J-RAD ROFLMAO...I had to screenshot that.
Well hell. . Didn't think my smart ass comment would turn Into a race issue..

(There was a much longer message put I deleted it). [USERGROUP=3]@Administrative[/USERGROUP]... Delete my comments if you see fit.. . Maybe this sign the one place we can keep race out of the spotlight..
Mowing hay today

Edit: It was actually 5 pm this evening.
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Dang Ronnie... I thought you were a good dude, but these posts have me miff'd. You couldn't be more obtuse with your views and opinions. I don't even care to ask where you were in NC because I'm so confident you are completely wrong about diversity. I know this because I grew up in SC. Seriously??? Bagging on TN, a state you didn't even visit because you once heard about KKK being there?? Who the hell talks about KKK these days? Com'on man. You owe 2 whole states an apology bro. I think all that smoke from those forest fires has clouded your judgement. Really disappointed.

@BigN8 altough I respect and appreciate your opinions I am not apologetic about anything I typed and I’m not apologetic about not being apologetic. Remember this all started with “...move out of the republic of California”, I don’t request or expect anyone to apologize for that even though it was based (as I found out after the statement was made) on CAs laws regarding plastic bags and plastic straws, basically laws that are good for the environment as a whole. Ca is doing its part, are NC, SC and TN?

You grew up in sc so you know I’m wrong about nc? I didn’t make any untrue statements of fact about Nc and I was careful about distinguishing my statements of opinion. I was also very clear about the limited basis for my opinions. I don’t think anyone can have a wrong opinion but they can have opinions that others don’t agree with.

I wasn’t banging on TN. I didn’t visit there because I had no reason to, the event I was at was located in Greensboro NC, I spent most of my time driving between there, the Raleigh / Durham airport and Eden.

Who talks about the kkk? the black teen sitting next to me that day.

Again, I enjoyed NC and wish I could have seen more of it. Would I visit again? Sure If the opportunity presents itself and the timing is right.

In point of fact. I haven’t been near enough to any of the fires to see or smell the smoke from them in weeks. Additionally, I’m the same dude, good, bad or otherwise that I was before I posted anything on this forum today and I will be the same dude tomorrow. Maybe you just don’t know me as well as you thought you did. i freely and openly admit that I don’t really “know” anybody on this forum at all and can count the number of members I’ve met in person on the fingers (excluding the thumb) of one hand. Hell i don’t even know your real first name so how can you call me bro.

before you or any forum member tells me they are disappointed in me realize that we don’t know each other and we don’t owe each other, so I’m not going to put a Lot of weight on whether or not other members like me or my opinions. Unless or until they’ve “walked a mile in my shoes” (ever as an adult ever been followed around a department store by security from the time they walked into the time they walked out?) their in no position to judge me.

If someone doesn’t like what I write they should stop reading what i write or use the ignore feature (it works perfectly), life is to short to be miff’d over differences in opinions like this. Anyone who doesn’t know me would be more successful in changing the channel on me than they would be trying to change me.

With this I’m going to stop replying to this thread, like I stated earlier life is too short to be miff’d over differences in opinion (especially between nearly complete strangers).
Check forecast for rain.. Cut hay. Let dry for a few days.. Then rake it (flip) and let it dry .. Then square bail it?.... Ot u round bailing it?
Square bale, for the horses. Cut, tedd twice, rake and bale is what I do. A good part of 3 days. Weather good till rain Sunday night.
It's almost Friday...time for an Old Fashioned

@zipper I'm having hard time keeping up with you - just reading about it!!! lol
