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Show us what you see!!!

@zipper not knowing how many acres you have for hay,

How much fuel does each action take, cutting , raking, baling,
@zipper not knowing how many acres you have for hay,

How much fuel does each action take, cutting , raking, baling,
I only have about 40 acres of baleable grasses, some pasture, about 20 acres and about 3 acres of Highbush Blueberries. I also have around 400 acres of woods/maples and beaver ponds.

It depends on which field I am cutting. Currently, the one I am working on is about $10 in diesel for mowing, $10 for 2 tedding runs, $10 to rake and $10 to bale. That field should yield about 200 40# square bales. I have 3 others to do after this one. I dont drop them all at the same time because I am a 1 man operation.
$10 a pass seems economical enough,
Suns down. . . .fire time.20180824_201722.jpg
This is what I want. Bad.

What's amazing is they are already approaching, albeit far from matching, specifications for traditional day cruisers. I bet EV open bow riders will kick a$$ in just couple years. Unbelievable!




Nautique made one 6 years ago.

Another tread separation on the way to the ramp
Checked the other two original 6 yr old 20180825_124038.jpg tires and they are bulging also
4 new 15" good years on order
Ha. Replaced all 4 of mine about a month ago. $600 to Discount Tire.
I have found that trailer tires last at most 5 to 6 years as I just replace our tires on our Airstream after a blowout on the road. [flag]
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Spent a couple hours cleaning the Sea Ray today. Getting ready for a friend's 40th birthday party tonight on the dock. Good times!
Offshore personnel transfer at sunset

Nearly a full moon rising over the boat.
Double posting this as many might not see it buried in the Falls Lake Gathering thread:

Image captures from my drone video and a link to the raw footage on Youtube (was still processing when I finished this post....so if it doesn't play, check back in a few minutes)

View attachment 82263 View attachment 82264 View attachment 82265 View attachment 82266 View attachment 82267 View attachment 82268 View attachment 82269 View attachment 82271 View attachment 82272

Sorry you have to click on each of the above....was the easiest and least space consuming way of copying them here!
Been using a weber q for 5 seasons! Nice!
Today on the river: dogs of Meramec, lol

She's the winner

So just a follow up on the haymaking... raked the tedded rows Sunday at 10am started baling at 11:30. Tried to hurry but the rain came earlier than expected, so I had to stop and put the wagon with about 50 bales in the arena. Light rain only for 1/2 an hour. This morning I raked the windrows again to turn/dry them. Took a few hours off to go have lunch at the beach on the Yamaha. Came back at 4 and started baling. Got it done pretty quick. Ended up with close to 200 bales.
I can tell you that backing a haywagon into a 12' wide opening, when you cannot see the opening or the back of the wagon, takes skills and some luck. More rain coming tonight and did not want to leave it out or putting it into the hay loft yet.
Yes the arena needs some weeding/mowing. No animals in it all summer.